
HepAListIterator is a template based list iterator class to be used with the HepAList list class. An iterator will sequentially go through each element of the associated list, starting with the first element. It is also possible to explicitly rewind the iterator, or to move forward or backward in the list.

Do not insert or remove elements in a list that is being iterated. This result in elements being skipped or iterated several times.

HepAlistIterator was developed from an original (non-template) list iterator class written by Dag Bruck.


Leif Lonnblad

See also

HepAListBase, HepAList, HepCList, HepConstAList, HepAListIteratorBase, HepCListIterator, HepConstAListIterator


#include "CLHEP/Alist/AIterator.h"

template <class T>
class HepAListIterator : public HepAListIteratorBase

Public Member Functions

inline HepAListIterator(const HepAList<T> &)
Constructor taking a corresponding list as argument. Starting at the first element.
Copy constructor
inline HepAListIterator(const HepAListIterator<T> &)
inline ~HepAListIterator()
inline T * operator () ()
Returns a pointer to the current object in the associated list, moving forward to the next.
Returns 0 if all objects are done.
inline T * current() const
Returns a pointer to the current object in the associated list, without incrementing the index.
inline T * next()
Returns a pointer to the current object in the associated list, moving forward to the next.
Returns 0 if all objects are done.
inline T * prev()
Moves backward one step in the list and returns the object found there.
If current object is the first in the list, no stepping is done and 0 is returned.



24 September 1997