The HEP Random module originally part of
has been designed and developed starting from the Random class
of the
MC++ package and the former CLHEP's HepRandom module.
The current release consists of 24 classes implementing 12 different random
engines and 10 different random distributions. To make them available
you must include in your program the following line:
#include "CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h"
This section contains a description of every class in the
HEP Random module. Each entry contains the following information:
- A brief description of the class.
For more detailed information and examples of usage consult the
corresponding chapter in the
CLHEP User Guide.
- A list of the authors.
- A list of related classes.
- A declaration beginning with the name of the header file containing
the declaration.
Inheritance is indicated using standard C++ notation.
- A list of associated enumerators, typedefs, and constants.
- A list of constructors and destructors grouped at the start of the
member function list.
- A list of member functions presented in alphabetical order.
Inherited functions are not shown. Operators functions are listed first.
- A list of non-member functions.
- Examples of how to use the class.
01 May 1999