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Adding some data to the RZ file

A second run using program HTEST1 below shows how to add some data to the HBOOK RZ file created in the job HTEST (Figure gif). After opening the file HTEST.DAT, created in the previous run, in update mode ('U' option) with the name EXAM2, a new directory NTUPLE is created, known as //EXAM2/NTUPLE as seen in the output of HLDIR command at the end of the output. One-dimensional (10) and two-dimensional (20) histograms and an Ntuple (30) are booked. Each Ntuple element or ``event'' is characterised by three variables (labelled 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'). The Ntuple data, when the initial size of 1000 words is exhausted, will be written to the directory on disk specified in the call to HBOOKN, i.e. //EXAM2/NTUPLE, and the data in memory are replaced with those newly read. A one- and a two-dimensional projection of X and X/Y are then made onto histograms 10 and 20 respectively, before they are printed and written on the HBOOK RZ file. At the end the current and parent directories are listed. The contents of the latter shows that the data written in the first job (HTEST) are indeed still present in the file under the top directory //EXAM2. The call to RZSTAT shows usage statistics about the RZ file.

Example of adding data to a HBOOK RZ file

      PARAMETER (NWPAWC=20000)
      DIMENSION X(3)
      DATA CHTAGS/'   X   ','   Y   ','   Z   '/
*             Reopen data base
      LRECL = 0
      CALL HBOOK1(10,'TEST1',100,-3.,3.,0.)
      CALL HBOOK2(20,'TEST2',30,-3.,3.,30,-3.,3.,250.)
     +            1000,CHTAGS)
      DO 10 I=1,10000
         CALL RANNOR(A,B)
         CALL HFN(30,X)
      CALL HPROJ1(10,30,0,0,1,999999,1)
      CALL HPROJ2(20,30,0,0,1,999999,1,2)
      CALL HPRINT(0)
      CALL HROUT(0,ICYCLE,' ')
      CALL HLDIR(' ',' ')
      CALL HCDIR('\',' ')
      CALL HLDIR(' ',' ')
      CALL RZSTAT(' ',999,' ')

HBOOK     ID =        10                                        DATE  02/09/89                          NO =  1
     270                                                      - -
     260                                                      I I  -
     250                                                   -  I I  I
     240                                                 - I  I-I- I -
     230                                                 I-I--I  I I-I-
     220                                                -I       I I  I-
     210                                                I        I I   I-
     200                                                I        I-I    I-
     190                                          - - --I                I --
     180                                          I-I-I                  I-II--
     170                                          I                           I
     160                                          I                           I--
     150                                       - -I                             I --
     140                                      -I-I                              I II
     130                                     -I                                 I-II-
     120                                    -I                                      I-
     110                                  --I                                        I--
     100                                --I                                            I
      90                                I                                              I
      80                                I                                              I----
      70                              --I                                                  I-
      60                             -I                                                     I--
      50                          ---I                                                        I--
      40                     -----I                                                             I--
      30                     I                                                                    I-----
      20               - ----I                                                                         I---
      10       --------I-I                                                                                I--------
CHANNELS 100   0                                                                                                  1
          10   0        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
           1   1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
CONTENTS 100                             11111111111111122222222221222222111111111111111
          10           1 1111333334446669000123434878888132522637496233109788775524421007777655443322222111
           1.  1266487877127932587516069303434644322909949809367004036056844525243975324963516782565365312194856211
LOW-EDGE       --------------------------------------------------
           1.  3222222222222222211111111111111111                                 111111111111111112222222222222222
           0   0988776554432211099887665543322100998776654433211000112334456677899001223345566788990112234455677889
           0   0482604826048260482604826048260482604826048260482606284062840628406284062840628406284062840628406284
* ENTRIES =      10000      * ALL CHANNELS = 0.9969E+04      * UNDERFLOW = 0.1200E+02      * OVERFLOW = 0.1900E+02
* BIN WID = 0.6000E-01      * MEAN VALUE   =-0.3907E-02      * R . M . S = 0.9857E+00

HBOOK     ID = 20        DATE  02/09/89          NO =  2
CHANNELS  10 U 0        1         2         3 O
           1 N 123456789012345678901234567890 V
  OVE      *        + ++ +232++2+ +++           * OVE
    2.8    *      ++ 2    +2 + 2  +             *  30
    2.6    *           2 2+  +34+++ ++   +      *  29
    2.4    *          2+ 3322343+ 3++ +         *  28
    2.2    *    + 2    247236663524+23++   +    *  27
    2      *    +    2+23769597A75 6+2+ 2       *  26
    1.8    *       + 5598576EBCDAA53357  2+ +   *  25
    1.6    *      ++3278CC9JFO8F98C86643+2+     *  24
    1.4    *      344686AAGJJMEMIDFG964232+   + *  23
    1.2    *    ++++44BBJGMQOPWNICCGI97322++  + *  22
    1      *     2+545BGOMTSX*VYTJMCFA755++2    *  21
     .8    *    2+4799DHSRUX****VXRQJC57635+    *  20
     .6    *   + +25CBEKLZ********MXGGCI4322  3 *  19
     .4    * 2   4+779BN*U*********YOIFB862     *  18
     .2    * 2 ++266CCLR************OIHA464+2 4 *  17
           * +  3238ECX*T***********YKPC772   + *  16
-    .2    * + +423D6LDS**X********ZUMGC543+  2 *  15
-    .4    * +  2347CAHSSX*********UMK75D2 3  + *  14
-    .6    *   2334AAKML*V**********IIH9773++ + *  13
-    .8    *   +22565CLJL*X******Z*TL9H948+ +   *  12
-   1      * 2 2 32666EMLN****Q*ULLQMABB342+  2 *  11
-   1.2    *   + 22377BDIUS*P***TTUNBDA545+2    *  10
-   1.4    * + + 2 +689E7KKNWUNRIHJCEA472+++  + *   9
-   1.6    *     2+3+74BCMJIGOIKEIAAD6643++   2 *   8
-   1.8    * + + +2222856AA8HGJACB6786+2+2++    *   7
-   2      *   +   2 +273598EDC5977634++        *   6
-   2.2    * +   + ++2+274977548883+++2 +++     *   5
-   2.4    *         +  +3367558445+442+   +    *   4
-   2.6    *       +2 +  2224+6++7234 +    +    *   3
-   2.8    *          +  33+3+322++ +           *   2
-   3      *       ++ ++ 22 2 +4+2 2            *   1
  UND      *          + +  23 +2+++      +      * UND
LOW-EDGE       ---------------
           1.  32222211111         1111122222
           0   086420864208642024680246802468
*                                                   I    19  I
* ENTRIES =    10000            PLOT         -------I--------I-------
* SATURATION  AT=          255                  12  I  9936  I   19
* SCALE  .,+,2,3,.,., A,B,      STATISTICS   -------I--------I-------
* STEP =    1     * MINIMUM=0                       I    14  I

* NTUPLE ID=   30  ENTRIES=  10000   N-TUPLE           *
*  Var numb  *   Name    *    Lower     *    Upper     *
*      1     *    X      * -.422027E+01 * 0.386411E+01 *
*      2     *    Y      * -.411076E+01 * 0.378366E+01 *
*      3     *    Z      * 0.485187E-04 * 0.179518E+02 *
===> Directory : //EXAM2/NTUPLE
        30 (N)   N-TUPLE
        10 (1)   TEST1
        20 (2)   TEST2
===> Directory : //EXAM2
       100 (1)   Test of HRNDM1
       110 (1)   Filled according to HTFUN1
       200 (2)   Test of HRNDM2
       210 (2)   Fill according to HTFUN2
      NREC    NWORDS    QUOTA(%)  FILE(%)   DIR. NAME
       34      34066       .21      .21   //EXAM2/NTUPLE
       41      40438       .26      .26   //EXAM2
Adding data to a HBOOK RZ file  

Janne Saarela
Tue May 16 09:09:27 METDST 1995