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A more complex example - CERN personnel statistics


In order to explain the advantages of the Column-Wise-Ntuple format, we consider a small data sample containing some characteristics of the CERN staff as they were in 1988. For each member of the staff there exists one entry in the file. Each entry consists of 11 values, as described in the following table:

Variable Name Description and possible values
CATEGORY:Professional category (integer between 100 and 600)
100-199: Scientific staff
200-299: Engineering staff
300-399: Technical support staff
400-499: Crafts and trade support staff
500-529: Supervisory administrative staff
530-559: Intermediate level administrative staff
560-599: Lower level administrative staff
DIVISION:Code for each division (Character variable)
|'AG', 'DD', 'DG', 'EF', 'EP', 'FI', 'LEP', 'PE',|
|'PS', 'SPS', 'ST', 'TH', 'TIS'|
FLAG: A flag where the first four bits have the following significance
Bit 1 = 0 means femaleotherwise male
Bit 2 = 0 means residentotherwise non-resident
Bit 3 = 0 means singleotherwise head of family
Bit 4 = 0 means fixed term contractotherwise indefinite duration contract
AGE: Age(in years) of staff member
SERVICE: Number of years of servicethat the staff member has at CERN
CHILDREN:Number of dependent children
GRADE: Staff member 's position in Gradescale (integer between 3 and 14)
STEP: Staff member 's position (step) insidegiven grade (integer between 0 and 15)
NATION: Code for staff member's nationality(character variable)
|'AT', 'BE', 'CH', 'DE', 'DK', 'ES', 'FR', 'GB',|
|'GR', 'IT', 'NL', 'NO', 'PT', 'SE', 'ZZ'|
HRWEEK: Number of contractual hours worked per week(between 20 and 44)
COST: Costof the staff member to CERN (in CHF)

Note how the constraints on the various variables shown in the table are expressed in the job when creating the Ntuple.

On the next pages we show first the creation run, together with its output and the automatically generated analysis skeleton, and then the analysis program created based on the skeleton.

Creating the Ntuple


      PARAMETER (NWPAWC = 30000)
      PARAMETER (LRECL  = 1024)


      REAL    RDATA(11)
     +        HRWEEK, COST
     +              STEP, HRWEEK, COST

      CHARACTER*4 DIVS(13), NATS(15)
      DATA DIVS /'AG', 'DD', 'DG', 'EF', 'EP', 'FI', 'LEP', 'PE',
     +           'PS', 'SPS', 'ST', 'TH', 'TIS'/
      DATA NATS /'AT', 'BE', 'CH', 'DE', 'DK', 'ES', 'FR', 'GB',
     +           'GR', 'IT', 'NL', 'NO', 'PT', 'SE', 'ZZ'/


*-- open a new RZ file
      CALL HROPEN(1,'MYFILE','cern.hbook','N',LRECL,ISTAT)

*-- book Ntuple
      CALL HBNT(10,'CERN Population',' ')

*-- define Ntuple (1 block with 11 columns)
     +            FLAG:U:4, AGE[1,100]:I, SERVICE[0,60]:I,
     +            CHILDREN[0,10]:I, GRADE[3,14]:I, STEP[0,15]:I,
     +            HRWEEK[20,44]:I, COST:I')

*-- open data file with staff information
      OPEN(2,FILE='aptuple.dat', STATUS='OLD')
*-- read data and store in Ntuple
10    READ(2, '(10F4.0, F7.0)', END=20) RDATA
      FLAG     = RDATA(3)
      AGE      = RDATA(4)
      SERVICE  = RDATA(5)
      GRADE    = RDATA(7)
      STEP     = RDATA(8)
      NATION   = NATS(INT(RDATA(9)))
      HRWEEK   = RDATA(10)
      COST     = RDATA(11)
      CALL HFNT(10)
      GOTO 10

*-- read data of person #100
20    I = 100
      CALL HGNT(10, I, IER)
      IF (IER .NE. 0) THEN
         PRINT *, 'Error reading row ',I
      PRINT *,'Person 100',' ',CATEGORY,' ',DIVISION,' ',AGE,' ',NATION

*-- print Ntuple definition
      CALL HPRNT(10)

*-- write batch version of analysis routine to file staff.f
      OPEN(3, FILE='staff.f', STATUS='UNKNOWN')
      CALL HUWFUN(3, 10, 'STAFF', 0, 'B')

*-- write Ntuple buffer to disk and close RZ file
      CALL HROUT(10, ICYCLE, ' ')

Output generated by running the above program

 ***** ERROR in HFNT : HRWEEK: Value out of range, event     2668 : ID=      10 
 ***** ERROR in HFNT : HRWEEK: Value out of range, event     2673 : ID=      10 
 ***** ERROR in HFNT : HRWEEK: Value out of range, event     2710 : ID=      10 
 ***** ERROR in HFNT : HRWEEK: Value out of range, event     2711 : ID=      10 
 ***** ERROR in HFNT : HRWEEK: Value out of range, event     2833 : ID=      10 
 Person 100 415 PS    55 FR  

 * Ntuple ID = 10     Entries = 3354      CERN Population         *
 * Var numb * Type * Packing *    Range     *  Block   *  Name    *
 *      1   * I*4  *    11   * [100,600]    * CERN     * CATEGORY *
 *      2   * U*4  *    4    *              * CERN     * FLAG     *
 *      3   * I*4  *    8    * [1,100]      * CERN     * AGE      *
 *      4   * I*4  *    7    * [0,60]       * CERN     * SERVICE  *
 *      5   * I*4  *    5    * [0,10]       * CERN     * CHILDREN *
 *      6   * I*4  *    5    * [3,14]       * CERN     * GRADE    *
 *      7   * I*4  *    5    * [0,15]       * CERN     * STEP     *
 *      8   * I*4  *    7    * [20,44]      * CERN     * HRWEEK   *
 *      9   * I*4  *         *              * CERN     * COST     *
 *     10   * C*4  *         *              * CERN     * DIVISION *
 *     11   * C*4  *         *              * CERN     * NATION   *
 *  Block   * Unpacked Bytes * Packed Bytes *   Packing Factor    *
 * CERN     *    44          *    19        *    2.316            *
 * Total    *    44          *    19        *    2.316            *
 * Number of blocks = 1     Number of columns = 11                *

Note the HFNT error messages, which report that out-of-range data were read in the input file. This is an example of the error checking performed by the CWN routines.

Analysis skeleton generated for above example

*                                                       *
* This file was generated by HUWFUN.                    *
*                                                       *
*     N-tuple Id:     10   
*     N-tuple Title:  CERN Population
*     Creation:       12/06/92 11.46.34
     + ,COST
      CALL HBNAME(10,' ',0,'$CLEAR')
*--   Enter user code here


  This skeleton is used in the example below to prepare a job for analysing the Ntuple data sample.

Example of Fortran code based on skeleton


      PARAMETER (NWPAWC = 30000)
      PARAMETER (LRECL  = 1024)


      CALL HROPEN(1,'MYFILE','cern.hbook',' ',LRECL,ISTAT)
      CALL HRIN(10,9999,0)
*                                                       *
* This file was generated by HUWFUN.                    *
*                                                       *
*     N-tuple Id:     10   
*     N-tuple Title:  CERN Population
*     Creation:       12/06/92 11.46.34
     + ,COST                        

      CHARACTER DIVISION*4,NATION*4                                             
      CHARACTER*8 VAR(4)
      CALL HBNAME(10,' ',0,'$CLEAR')         ! Clear addresses in Ntuple
      CALL HBNAME(10,'CERN',CATEGORY,'$SET') ! Set addresses for variables CATEGORY...
      CALL HBNAMC(10,'CERN',DIVISION,'$SET') ! Set addresses for variables DIVISION...
*--   Enter user code here
*-- book the histograms
      CALL HBOOK1(101, 'Staff Age', 45, 20., 65., 0.)
      CALL HBOOK1(102, 'Number of years at CERN', 35, 0., 35., 0.)
      CALL HBOOK2(103, 'Grade vs. Step', 12, 3., 15., 16, 0., 16., 0.)
      CALL HBIGBI(101,2)
      CALL HBIGBI(102,2)
*-- get number of entries
*-- read only the four desired columns
      VAR(1) = 'AGE'
      VAR(2) = 'SERVICE'
      VAR(3) = 'GRADE'
      VAR(4) = 'STEP'
      CALL HGNTV(10, VAR, 4, 1, IER)
      DO 10 I = 1, NLOOP
         IF (I.NE.1) CALL HGNTF(10, I, IER)
         IF (IER .NE. 0) THEN
            PRINT *, 'Error reading row ', I
         CALL HFILL(101, FLOAT(AGE), 0., 1.)
         CALL HFILL(102, FLOAT(SERVICE), 0., 1.)

The summary table about the Ntuple shown below, as obtained by running the program above on the CERN Ntuple, should be compared with the table obtained during the creation run, as shown on page gif.

 .                                                                                                                           .
 .   HBOOK   HBOOK  CERN            VERSION   4.17       HISTOGRAM AND PLOT INDEX                             09/03/93       .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .  NO                     TITLE                      ID  B/C  ENTRIES DIM   NCHA     LOWER       UPPER       ADDRESS LENGTH .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .   1  CERN Population                               10               N                                        27174     37 .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .   2  Staff Age                                    101  32     3354  1  X    45    .200E+02    .650E+02       26527     90 .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .   3  Number of years at CERN                      102  32     3354  1  X    35    .000E+00    .350E+02       26432     83 .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .                                                                                                                           .
 .   4  Grade vs. Step                               103  32     3354  2  X    12    .300E+01    .150E+02       26347    298 .
 .                                                                        Y    16    .000E+00    .160E+02       26074    264 .
 .                                                                                                                           .


      MAXIMUM TOTAL SIZE OF COMMON /PAWC/            30000

 * Ntuple ID = 10     Entries = 3354      CERN Population         *
 * Var numb * Type * Packing *    Range     *  Block   *  Name    *
 *      1   * I*4  *    11   * [100,600]    * CERN     * CATEGORY *
 *      2   * U*4  *    4    *              * CERN     * FLAG     *
 *      3   * I*4  *    8    * [1,100]      * CERN     * AGE      *
 *      4   * I*4  *    7    * [0,60]       * CERN     * SERVICE  *
 *      5   * I*4  *    5    * [0,10]       * CERN     * CHILDREN *
 *      6   * I*4  *    5    * [3,14]       * CERN     * GRADE    *
 *      7   * I*4  *    5    * [0,15]       * CERN     * STEP     *
 *      8   * I*4  *    7    * [20,44]      * CERN     * HRWEEK   *
 *      9   * I*4  *         *              * CERN     * COST     *
 *     10   * C*4  *         *              * CERN     * DIVISION *
 *     11   * C*4  *         *              * CERN     * NATION   *
 *  Block   * Unpacked Bytes * Packed Bytes *   Packing Factor    *
 * CERN     *    44          *    19        *    2.316            *
 * Total    *    44          *    19        *    2.316            *
 * Blocks = 1            Variables = 11           Columns = 11    *
 Staff Age                                                                       
 HBOOK     ID =       101                                        DATE  09/03/93              NO =     1
      180                                                                   --
      176                                                                   II
      172                                                                   II--
      168                                                               --  I  I
      164                                                               II  I  I--
      160                                                           --  II  I    I
      156                                                           II  II--I    I
      152                                                           II--I        I--
      148                                                           I              I
      144                                                           I              I
      140                                                           I              I
      136                                                           I              I
      132                                                           I              I    --
      128                                                         --I              I    II
      124                                                         I                I  --II
      120                                                         I                I--I  I
      116                                                   --  --I                      I
      112                                                   II  I                        I--
      108                                                   II  I                          I
      104                                                   II  I                          I
      100                                                 --II  I                          I
       96                                                 I  I--I                          I
       92                                                 I                                I----
       88                                                 I                                    I
       84                                                 I                                    I
       80                                               --I                                    I
       76                                               I                                      I
       72                                               I                                      I
       68                                               I                                      I
       64                                           ----I                                      I
       60                                           I                                          I
       56                                           I                                          I
       52                           --              I                                          I  --
       48                           II--    --  ----I                                          I  II
       44                           I  I  --II  I                                              I--II
       40                       --  I  I--I  I  I                                                  I
       36                       II--I        I--I                                                  I
       32                       I                                                                  I--
       28                       I                                                                    I--
       24                       I                                                                      I
       20                   ----I                                                                      I
       16                 --I                                                                          I
       12                 I                                                                            I--
        8             ----I                                                                              I
        4         ----I                                                                                  I
 CHANNELS  10    0                 1                   2                   3                   4             
            1    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5   
 CONTENTS 100                                              1 1   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1              
           10              1 1 1 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 6 6 7 0 1 9 1 2 5 5 6 5 7 7 6 5 1 2 3 1 9 8 4 5 2 2 1
            1.     1 1 7 6 5 8 8 8 3 9 5 9 2 5 3 7 6 4 4 9 0 4 3 3 8 8 1 8 4 9 2 2 2 7 2 0 2 2 9 1 1 9 5 2
 LOW-EDGE  10   2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 
            1.  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 * ENTRIES =       3354      * ALL CHANNELS =  .3354E+04      * UNDERFLOW =  .0000E+00      * OVERFLOW =  .0000E+00
 * BIN WID =  .1000E+01      * MEAN VALUE   =  .4765E+02      * R . M . S =  .8643E+01
 Number of years at CERN                                                         
 HBOOK     ID =       102                                        DATE  09/03/93              NO =     2
      200                                                 --
      195                                             --  II--
      190                                             II  I  I
      185                                             II  I  I
      180                                     --      II--I  I
      175                                     II      I      I
      170                                     II      I      I
      165                                     II  --  I      I--
      160                                     II  II  I        I
      155                                     II  II  I        I    --
      150                                     II  II  I        I--  II
      145                                     II  II  I          I  II
      140                                     II--II  I          I--II
      135                                     I    I  I              I
      130                                     I    I--I              I  --
      125                                     I                      I  II
      120                                   --I                      I--II
      115                                   I                            I
      110                 --                I                            I--
      105                 II                I                              I
      100                 II                I                              I
       95                 II                I                              I
       90                 II    --          I                              I
       85                 II    II          I                              I
       80                 II    II          I                              I
       75                 II    II          I                              I      --
       70                 II    II          I                              I      II
       65         --      II    II          I                              I      II
       60         II      II    II          I                              I      II
       55         II    --II    II    --    I                              I----  II
       50         II    I  I    II    II    I                                  I--II
       45       --II----I  I    II  --II    I                                      I
       40       I          I  --II  I  I    I                                      I
       35       I          I  I  I  I  I  --I                                      I
       30       I          I  I  I  I  I  I                                        I
       25       I          I--I  I--I  I  I                                        I
       20       I                      I  I                                        I
       15       I                      I  I                                        I--
       10       I                      I--I                                          I
 CHANNELS  10    0                 1                   2                   3             
            1    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5   
 CONTENTS 100              1                 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1          
           10    4 6 4 4 5 0 2 4 8 2 4 5   3 1 7 3 6 2 9 7 9 9 6 4 3 5 2 2 1 5 5 4 7 1
            1.   3 5 2 1 4 9 1 0 9 3 5 5 7 2 8 8 6 5 9 5 7 8 2 4 6 7 2 0 9 0 2 2 7 2 4
 LOW-EDGE  10                       1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 
            1.    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 * ENTRIES =       3354      * ALL CHANNELS =  .3349E+04      * UNDERFLOW =  .0000E+00      * OVERFLOW =  .5000E+01
 * BIN WID =  .1000E+01      * MEAN VALUE   =  .1943E+02      * R . M . S =  .8124E+01

 Grade vs. Step                                                                  
 HBOOK     ID =       103                                        DATE  09/03/93              NO =     3
 CHANNELS  10 U 0        1   O 
            1 N 123456789012 V 
   OVE      *                  * OVE
    15      *   4*             *  16
    14      *    7             *  15
    13      *   22********     *  14
    12      *    +J*YFB23G     *  13
    11      *    39**QJ6H8     *  12
    10      *    3C*YTL6JE*    *  11
     9      *    36E**N9HD3    *  10
     8      *     2K**VEN85    *   9
     7      *   +38D***NRB25   *   8
     6      *    2GQ***TD8     *   7
     5      *    3S9***UM7+    *   6
     4      *    5I9P*QKG44    *   5
     3      *    298WW*QK72    *   4
     2      *    +9J*S*NK5 +   *   3
     1      *     7EJMYQM6+    *   2
            *    32A9GMNM2     *   1
   UND      *                  * UND
 LOW-EDGE  10          11111
            1.  345678901234
  *                                                          I         I
  * ENTRIES =     3354                   PLOT       ---------I---------I---------
  * SATURATION  AT=     INFINITY                             I 3354    I
  * SCALE  .,+,2,3,.,., A,B,           STATISTICS   ---------I---------I---------
  * STEP = 1.00     * MINIMUM=0.000E+00                      I         I

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Janne Saarela
Tue May 16 09:09:27 METDST 1995