Fill a vector from values stored in HBOOK objects.


Get contents of histogram ID into vector VNAME.


Get errors of histogram ID into vector VNAME.


Get function associated to histogram ID into vector VNAME.


Get values of center of bins abscissa into vector VNAME.

/HISTOGRAM/GET_VECT/REBIN id x y ex ey [ n ifirst ilast chopt ]


Do not normalize values in Y

The specified channels of the 1-Dim histogram ID are cumulated (rebinned) into new bins. The final contents of the new bin is the average of the original bins by default. If the option N is given, the final contents of the new bin is the sum of the original bins. Get contents and errors into vectors, grouping bins. Bin width and centers are also extracted. Allow to combine 2, 3 or more bins into one.

E.g.: REBIN 110 X Y EX EY 25 11 85 will group by 3 channels 11 to 85 and return new abscissa, contents and errors. Errors in X are equal to 1.5*BINWIDTH. N.B.: REBIN ID X Y EX EY is a convenient way to return in one call abscissa, contents and errors for 1-Dim histogram. In this case the errors in X are equal to 0.5*BINWIDTH.