To establish and control the connection to the Piaf server. The Parallel Interactive Analysis Facility (Piaf) is a cluster of 5 high-performance HP workstations.

A locally running PAW session (client) connected to the Piaf server can access Hbook RZ files stored on the server side in a transparent way. Commands with high CPU or I/O requirements, e.g. NT/PLOT and NT/PROJECT are processed by the server and only the resulting histograms etc. are sent back to the client.

In order to use the Piaf server the PAW client must have been compiled with the communications option CZ using TCP/IP as transport protocol.


Establish a connection to the Piaf server. Subsequent HISTO/FILE commands can refer to files on the server using path names '//piaf/file.hbook'.


PAW > CONNECT piaf cerncs2b | Ethernet node PAW > CONNECT piaf f-cerncs2-f | FDDI node

/NETWORK/PIAF/STAGE source [ target option ]


NoWait. Submit the request to the staging system and return immediately.

Stage an Ntuple file on the Piaf server. The source file identifier can be the name of a local file on the client system, a Fatmen path, or a tape identifier. If the target file name is not specified it is constructed from the source identifier.

Unless the option N is used the STAGE command waits until the staging is completed and the file is ready to be used.

/NETWORK/PIAF/GET remote [ local format recl ]


Text file.
Zebra RZ file in exchange format.
Binary file with record length given by RECL.

Copy a file from the Piaf server to the client system. If not specified the local file name will be same as the remote file name. RECL needs to be specified only for BIN format. For IBM only: A text file with RECL=0 is written in V-format. Otherwise it is written in F-format with the given LRECL.

/NETWORK/PIAF/PUT local [ remote format ]


Text file.
Zebra RZ file in exchange format.
Binary file.

Copy a file from the client system to the Piaf server. If not specified the remote file name will be same as the local file name. Note for VMS: Avoid text files with variable record length. Use Stream_LF format instead.

/NETWORK/PIAF/LS [ files ]

List files stored on the Piaf server.


Print a Piaf file on the terminal.


Delete a Piaf file.


Rename a Piaf file.


Copy a Piaf file to a new file.


Show current Piaf working directory.


Create a new directory on Piaf.


Delete a directory on Piaf.


Send a message to Piaf.


Inquire the status of the Piaf server.



Inquire the current mode.
Set sequential processing mode.
Set parallel processing mode.

Inquire or change the processing mode of the Piaf server. In parallel mode the Piaf server uses slave servers to process Ntuple requests on all available machines in parallel.

With certain types of COMIS selection functions, e.g. when reading from an external file for each event, parallel processing is not possible. The Piaf server should be switched to sequential mode, i.e. the master server alone processes the Ntuple request.


Set the level of diagnostic output from the Piaf server.


Close the connection to the Piaf server.