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The syntax of the cfrun command is

  cfrun -option --longoption class1 class2 ...

With the exception of the `-d' and `-S' options, all options are passed on to the remote hosts and are ignored locally. The `-q' option is always assumed when executing cfengine remotely, so that SplayTime is effectively zero when polling hosts serially. If an option includes a name such as `-Dnewclass', there should not be a space between the option letter and the name string. The remaining options are treated as classes to be sent to all the hosts on the network.

Each host evaluates the classes sent by cfrun and decides whether cfengine should be invoked. Only hosts which belong to the classes defined on the cfrun command line are executed. This allows you to single out groups of hosts which should execute cfengine, based on the very classes which you have defined for your configuration. If no classes are sent on the command line, then all hosts are run.

cfrun uses a configuration file which is located under the CFINPUTS directory in order to determine which hosts and in which order it should try to connect. Because cfengine always uses a reliable TCP protocol for connections, it verifies each connection rather than simply broadcasting openly. Using this file you can even simulate broadcasting to hosts outside your subnet.

This file should contain every host name you ever want to configure remotely, because you can still select subsets of the file by specifying classes which the remote host will understand. If the remote host is not in one of the classes you specify when you run cfrun, then it will simply ignore the request. Conversely, if you do not place a host in this file, it will never be contacted when you use the cfrun command. The format of the file is as follows

 # Comment ..

 hostname1 options
 hostname2 options

It is important to add the domain-name to this file. The options you specifiy in this file, per host, are added to those you might specify on the command line when invoking cfengine remotely. For instance, you might know of a bug on one host and decide not to perform interface configuration on that one machine. You would write a line like this:

  funny.domain -i  # problem host

You could use cfrun inside one of your cfengine configuration files in order to remotely execute cfengine on all of the other network machines, by setting up a host list. Be careful not to include the name of the master host in the list. The locks should prevent cfengine from being run on the masterhost, avoiding an infinite loop. This way you do not have to rely on cron running on every system. The disadvantage however is that cfengine has to poll the systems on the network, which means that cfengine cannot be working in parallel on all hosts. This could be inefficient in the long run.

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