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Configuration file `cfd.conf'

The server daemon is controlled by a file called `cfd.conf'. The syntax of this configuration file is deliberately modelled on cfengine's own configuration file, but despite the similarities, you cannot mix the contents of the two files.

Though they are not compatible, `cfengine.conf' and `cfd.conf' are similar in several ways:

Note that the classes in the `cfd.conf' file do not tell you the classes of host which have access to files and directories, but rather which classes of host pay attention to the access and deny commands when the file is parsed.

Host name authentication is not by class or group but by hostname, like the `/etc/exports' file on most unix systems. The syntax for the file is as follows:



       domain = ( DNS-domain-name )

       cfrunCommand = ( "script/filename" )  # Quoted

       MaxConnections = ( maximum number of forked daemons )

       ChecksumDatabase = ( filename )

       IfElapsed = ( time-in-minutes )


   Group definitions


   Files to import

 admit: | grant:








The file consists of a control section and access information. You may use the control section to define any variables which you want to use in the remainder of your file. Two variables are special here, they are reserved.

This string is the command which you would like to be executed remotely by the cfrun command.
This integer value sets a limit on the maximum number of child daemon processes which cfengine will fork in order to handle remote requests. The default value is ten daemons.
The IfElapsed anti-spamming filter is also built into cfd so that a remote user cannot even get as far as causing cfengine to parse its input files (which could be used for spamming in itself). The time is in minutes, the default is one hour.
This is the path and filename to a database which will cache MD5 checksum values server-side. This optimization is only available if you have the Berkeley database library `libdb' on your system. If this variable is not defined, no database caching will be used and checksum values will be computed directly on request. The utility of this solution is a trade-off between the time it takes to compute the checksum versus the time for a disk-based lookup.

Following the control section comes a list of files or directories and hosts which may access these. If permissions are granted to a directory then all sub directories are automatically granted also. Note that symbolic links are not checked for, so you may need to specifically deny access to links if they are plain files, but cfd does not follow symbolic links and give access to files in other directories.

Fully qualified hostnames should be given in this file. Do not forget to define the domain name. Authentication calls the unix function gethostbyname() and so on to identify and verify connecting hosts, so the names in the file must reflect the type on names returned by this function. You may use wildcards in names to match, for instance, all hosts from a particular domain.

Here is an example file

# This is a cfd config file

  PasswdHost = ( nexus )

  # Assuming CFINPUTS is defined

  cfrunCommand = ( "/usr/local/bin/cfengine" )  

  variable = ( /usr/local/publicfiles )

admit:   # Can also call this grant:

    # An alternative to ftp, grant anyone 








NOTE I: cfd is not rpc.mountd, access control is by filename, not by device name. Do not assume that files lying in subdirectories are not open for access simply because they lie on a different device. You should give the real path name to file and avoid symbolic links.

NOTE II: access control is per host, not per user. If you open a file for a host you open it for every user on that host.

If you still have problems with lack of access, it could be that you have forgotten to define the domain name for your network, or that you do not understand the TCP wrappers files `/etc/hosts.access' and `/etc/hosts.deny'.

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