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Introduction to Buffer-Local Variables

A buffer-local variable has a buffer-local binding associated with a particular buffer. The binding is in effect when that buffer is current; otherwise, it is not in effect. If you set the variable while a buffer-local binding is in effect, the new value goes in that binding, so the global binding is unchanged; this means that the change is visible in that buffer alone.

A variable may have buffer-local bindings in some buffers but not in others. The global binding is shared by all the buffers that don't have their own bindings. Thus, if you set the variable in a buffer that does not have a buffer-local binding for it, the new value is visible in all buffers except those with buffer-local bindings. (Here we are assuming that there are no let-style local bindings to complicate the issue.)

The most common use of buffer-local bindings is for major modes to change variables that control the behavior of commands. For example, C mode and Lisp mode both set the variable paragraph-start to specify that only blank lines separate paragraphs. They do this by making the variable buffer-local in the buffer that is being put into C mode or Lisp mode, and then setting it to the new value for that mode.

The usual way to make a buffer-local binding is with make-local-variable, which is what major mode commands use. This affects just the current buffer; all other buffers (including those yet to be created) continue to share the global value.

A more powerful operation is to mark the variable as automatically buffer-local by calling make-variable-buffer-local. You can think of this as making the variable local in all buffers, even those yet to be created. More precisely, the effect is that setting the variable automatically makes the variable local to the current buffer if it is not already so. All buffers start out by sharing the global value of the variable as usual, but any setq creates a buffer-local binding for the current buffer. The new value is stored in the buffer-local binding, leaving the (default) global binding untouched. The global value can no longer be changed with setq; you need to use setq-default to do that.

Warning: When a variable has local values in one or more buffers, you can get Emacs very confused by binding the variable with let, changing to a different current buffer in which a different binding is in effect, and then exiting the let. This can scramble the values of the global and local bindings.

To preserve your sanity, avoid that series of actions. If you use save-excursion around each piece of code that changes to a different current buffer, you will not have this problem. Here is an example of what to avoid:

(setq foo 'b)
(set-buffer "a")
(make-local-variable 'foo)
(setq foo 'a)
(let ((foo 'temp))
  (set-buffer "b")
foo => 'a      ; The old buffer-local value from buffer `a'
               ;   is now the default value.
(set-buffer "a")
foo => 'temp   ; The local value that should be gone
               ;   is now the buffer-local value in buffer `a'.

But save-excursion as shown here avoids the problem:

(let ((foo 'temp))
    (set-buffer "b")

Note that references to foo in body access the buffer-local binding of buffer `b'.

When a file specifies local variable values, these become buffer-local values when you visit the file. See section How Emacs Chooses a Major Mode.

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