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Within this document, the following metasyntactic conventions will be used when discussing command line options, commands, arguments and templates:

Argument is not optional and n must be a valid number.
Argument is not optional and must be a single alphabetic character.
Argument is not optional and must be a single alphabetic character, that is lead by a `$' character.
Argument is optional and text is a valid string of text.
Arguments are optional, any number may be used in any order, e.g.:
NOTHING, a, b, ab, ba ...
Arguments are not optional, minimum one up to any number may be used in any order, e.g.:
a, b, ab, ba ...
Arguments are optional, select either a or b, but not both.
Arguments are not optional, select either a or b, but not both.
Arguments are optional, select either a or ab, but not b.
Arguments are optional, select a or b or ac or bc, but not c.
Arguments are optional, select either ac or bc, but not a or b or c.
Argument lists are optional, select either list a or list b, but not both.
Additional arguments/files may be specified and are optional.

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