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Configuring send-pr for the outside world

Now that GNATS is up and running on your system, you probably want to distribute send-pr to all your friends, relatives, enemies, etc. so they can more easily submit bugs to your organization. To do this, create a new directory dist-directory to hold the distribution. Then run the program

mkdist dist-directory release

This populates dist-directory with a full distribution of the program send-pr, including a `Makefile' and all the send-pr documentation. You can then simply package up this directory and send it to your bug report submitters. For example, when logged in as gnats you can do the following:

mkdir new-dist
mkdist new-dist tools-1.2
tar cvf send-pr.tar new-dist

This creates a file called `send-pr.tar' which contains a full distribution of send-pr customized for your site, with a default release number of `tools-1.2'. You can then place this onto a disk or tape and send it to your submitters, or instruct your submitters to download it using ftp.

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