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Info-like `Shortcut' Movement Commands

When point is at the upper left of the window or the buffer is read-only, you can use the Info commands as is, `n' for next, `p' for previous, and so on. But when point is elsewhere, the key strokes merely insert themselves as you would expect (so you can edit the file) and you have to use commands with a control prefix, as in `C-c C-p C-n' (para-next).

The commands are:

1 para-menu-1 go to the node of the first menu 2 item, etc. ...

b para-beginning go to the very beginning of the file < para-top-node go to the top node > para-final

d para-directory display the first menu from the file in a special buffer. f para-follow follow a cross reference g para-goto-node go to the named node l para-last go to the last node you visited m para-menu select a menu item n para-next go to the next node p para-prev go to the previous node [ para-goto-previous-node-in-sequence ] para-goto-next-node-in-sequence

q para-quit switches you to Texinfo mode. s para-search regular expression search through file u para-up go to the up node

SPC para-scroll-up scroll the text upwards DEL para-scroll-down scroll the text downwards

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