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Overview of charsets

Recoding is currently possible between most of the charsets described in RFC 1345. See section Charsets from RFC 1345.

Recode also handles some charsets in more specialized ways. These are:

The recent introduction of RFC 1345 in GNU recode has brought with it a few charsets having the functionality of older ones, but yet being different in subtle ways. The effects have not been fully investigated yet, so for now, clashes are avoided, the old and new charsets are kept well separate. For example, wizards would be interested in comparing the output of these two commands:

recode -vh IBM-PC:Apple-Mac
recode -vh IBM437:macintosh

The first command uses only charsets prior to RFC 1345 introduction. Both methods give different recodings, the first also properly recodes end of lines. These differences are annoying, the fuzziness will have to be explained and settle down one day.

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