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uustat Examples

uustat --all

Display status of all jobs. A sample output line is as follows:

bugsA027h bugs ian 04-01 13:50 Executing rmail ian@airs.com (sending 12 bytes)

The format is

jobid system user queue-date command (size)

The jobid may be passed to the `--kill' or `--rejuvenate' options. The size indicates how much data is to be transferred to the remote system, and is absent for a file receive request. The `--system', `--not-system', `--user', `--not-user', `--command', `--not-command', `--older-than', and `--younger-than' options may be used to control which jobs are listed.

uustat --executions

Display status of queued up execution requests. A sample output line is as follows:

bugs bugs!ian 05-20 12:51 rmail ian

The format is

system requestor queue-date command

The `--system', `--not-system', `--user', `--not-user', `--command', `--not-command', `--older-than', and `--younger-than' options may be used to control which requests are listed.

uustat --list

Display status for all systems with queued up commands. A sample output line is as follows:

bugs            4C (1 hour)   0X (0 secs) 04-01 14:45 Dial failed

This indicates the system, the number of queued commands, the age of the oldest queued command, the number of queued local executions, the age of the oldest queued execution, the date of the last conversation, and the status of that conversation.

uustat --status

Display conversation status for all remote systems. A sample output line is as follows:

bugs           04-01 15:51 Conversation complete

This indicates the system, the date of the last conversation, and the status of that conversation. If the last conversation failed, uustat will indicate how many attempts have been made to call the system. If the retry period is currently preventing calls to that system, uustat also displays the time when the next call will be permitted.

uustat --ps

Display the status of all processes holding UUCP locks. The output format is system dependent, as uustat simply invokes ps on each process holding a lock.

uustat -c rmail -o 168 -K -Q -M -N -W "Queued for over 1 week"

This will kill all `rmail' commands that have been queued up waiting for delivery for over 1 week (168 hours). For each such command, mail will be sent both to the UUCP administrator and to the user who requested the rmail execution. The mail message sent will include the string given by the `-W' option. The `-Q' option prevents any of the jobs from being listed on the terminal, so any output from the program will be error messages.

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