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17. Transparent Caching/Proxying

How can I make my users' browsers use my cache without configuring the browsers for proxying?

Getting transparent caching to work requires three distinct steps:

  1. Getting the packets to your cache machine. If your proxy machine is already in the path of the packets (i.e. it is routing between your dialup users and the Internet) then you don't have to worry about this step. If the cache is not in the natural path, then you have to divert the packets from the normal path to your cache host. You might be able to do this with a Cisco router, depending on your IOS version. You might also use a so-called layer-4 switch.
  2. You have to configure your cache host to accept the redirected packets and deliver them to your cache application. This is typically done with IP filtering/forwarding features built into the kernel. On linux they call this ipfwadm. On FreeBSD and other systems they call it ip filter or ipnat.
  3. Finally, you have to configure Squid to recognize the hijacked connections and discern the destination addresses. For linux this seems to work automatically. For FreeBSD you probably have to configure squid with the --enable-ipf-transparent option. Here are the important settings in squid.conf:
            http_port 8080
            httpd_accel_host virtual
            httpd_accel_port 80
            httpd_accel_with_proxy  on
Note, virtual is the magic word here! This example assumes you will redirect incoming port 80 packets to port 8080 on your cache machine.

17.1 Transparent proxying for Solaris, SunOS, and BSD systems

Install IP Filter

First, get and install the IP Filter package.

Configure ipnat

Put these lines in /etc/ipnat.rules:

        # Redirect direct web traffic to local web server.
        rdr de0 port 80 -> port 80 tcp
        # Redirect everything else to squid on port 8080
        rdr de0 port 80 -> port 8080 tcp

Modify your startup scripts to enable ipnat. For example, on FreeBSD it looks something like this:

        /sbin/modload /lkm/if_ipl.o
        /sbin/ipnat -f /etc/ipnat.rules
        chgrp nobody /dev/ipnat
        chmod 644 /dev/ipnat

Configure Squid


Squid-2 (after version beta25) has IP filter support built in. Simple enable it when you run configure:

        ./configure --enable-ipf-transparent
Add these lines to your squid.conf file:
        http_port 8080
        httpd_accel_host virtual
        httpd_accel_port 80
        httpd_accel_with_proxy on
        httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
Note, you don't have to use port 8080, but it must match whatever you used in the /etc/ipnat.rules file.


Patches for Squid-1.X are available from Quinton Dolan's Squid page. Add these lines to squid.conf:

        http_port 8080
        httpd_accel virtual 80
        httpd_accel_with_proxy on
        httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

Thanks to Quinton Dolan.

17.2 Transparent proxying for Linux

by Rodney van den Oever

Note: Transparent proxying does NOT work with Linux 2.0.30! Linux 2.0.29 is known to work well.

Warning: this technique has some shortcomings.

  1. This method only supports the HTTP protocol, not gopher or FTP
  2. Since the browser wasn't set up to use a proxy server, it uses the FTP protocol (with destination port 21) and not the required HTTP protocol. You can't setup a redirection-rule to the proxy server since the browser is speaking the wrong protocol. A similar problem occurs with gopher. Normally all proxy requests are translated by the client into the HTTP protocol, but since the client isn't aware of the redirection, this never happens.

If you can live with the side-effects, go ahead and compile your kernel with firewalling and redirection support. Here are the important parameters from /usr/src/linux/.config/:

        # Code maturity level options
        # Networking options
        # CONFIG_NET_ALIAS is not set
        # CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST is not set
        # CONFIG_IP_FIREWALL_VERBOSE is not set
        # CONFIG_IP_ACCT is not set

Go to the Linux IP Firewall and Accounting page, obtain the source distribution to ipfwadm and install it. Older versions of ipfwadm may not work. You might need at least version 2.3.0. You'll use ipfwadm to setup the redirection rules. I added this rule to the script that runs from /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1/ (Slackware) which sets up the interfaces at boot-time. The redirection should be done before any other Input-accept rule. To really make sure it worked I disabled the forwarding (masquerading) I normally do.


        # rc.firewall   Linux kernel firewalling rules

        # Flush rules, for testing purposes
        for i in I O F # A      # If we enabled accounting too
                ${FW} -$i -f

        # Default policies:
        ${FW} -I -p rej         # Incoming policy: reject (quick error)
        ${FW} -O -p acc         # Output policy: accept
        ${FW} -F -p den         # Forwarding policy: deny

        # Input Rules:

        # Loopback-interface (local access, eg, to local nameserver):
        ${FW} -I -a acc -S localhost/32 -D localhost/32

        # Local Ethernet-interface:
        # Redirect to Squid proxy server:
        ${FW} -I -a acc -P tcp -D default/0 80 -r 8080

        # Accept packets from local network:
        ${FW} -I -a acc -P all -S localnet/8 -D default/0 -W eth0

        # Only required for other types of traffic (FTP, Telnet):

        # Forward localnet with masquerading (udp and tcp, no icmp!):
        ${FW} -F -a m -P tcp -S localnet/8 -D default/0
        ${FW} -F -a m -P udp -S localnet/8 -D default/0

Here all traffic from the local LAN with any destination gets redirected to the local port 8080. Rules can be viewed like this:

        IP firewall input rules, default policy: reject
        type  prot source               destination          ports
        acc   all              n/a
        acc/r tcp             * -> 80 => 8080
        acc   all             n/a
        acc   tcp              * -> *

I did some testing on Windows 95 with both Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 and Netscape Communicator pre-release and it worked with both browsers with the proxy-settings disabled.

At one time squid seemed to get in a loop when I pointed the browser to the local port 80. But this could be avoided by adding a reject rule for client to this address:

        ${FW} -I -a rej -P tcp -S localnet/8 -D hostname/32 80

        IP firewall input rules, default policy: reject
        type  prot source               destination          ports
        acc   all              n/a
        rej   tcp              * -> 80
        acc/r tcp             * -> 80 => 8080
        acc   all             n/a
        acc   tcp              * -> *

NOTE on resolving names: Instead of just passing the URLs to the proxy server, the browser itself has to resolve the URLs. Make sure the workstations are setup to query a local nameserver, to minimize outgoing traffic.

If you're already running a nameserver at the firewall or proxy server (which is a good idea anyway IMHO) let the workstations use this nameserver.

Additional notes from Richard Ayres

I'm using such a setup. The only issues so far have been that:

  1. It's fairly useless to use my service providers parent caches (cache-? because by proxying squid only sees IP addresses, not host names and demon aren't generally asked for IP addresses by other users;
  2. Linux kernel 2.0.30 is a no-no as transparent proxying is broken (I use 2.0.29);
  3. Client browsers must do host name lookups themselves, as they don't know they're using a proxy;
  4. The Microsoft Network won't authorize its users through a proxy, so I have to specifically *not* redirect those packets (my company is a MSN content provider).

Aside from this, I get a 30-40% hit rate on a 50MB cache for 30-40 users and am quite pleased with the results.

See also Daniel Kiracofe's page.

17.3 Transparent proxying with Cisco

by John Saunders

This works with at least IOS 11.1 and later I guess. Possibly earlier, as I'm no CISCO expert I can't say for sure. If your router is doing anything more complicated that shuffling packets between an ethernet interface and either a serial port or BRI port, then you should work through if this will work for you.

First define a route map with a name of proxy-redirect (name doesn't matter) and specify the next hop to be the machine Squid runs on.

        route-map proxy-redirect permit 10
         match ip address 110
         set ip next-hop
Define an access list to trap HTTP requests. The first line allows the Squid host direct access so an routing loop is not formed.
        access-list 110 deny   tcp host any eq www
        access-list 110 permit tcp any any eq www
Apply the route map to the ethernet interface.
        interface Ethernet0
         ip policy route-map proxy-redirect

17.4 Transparent proxying with LINUX 2.0.29 and CISCO IOS 11.1

Just for kicks, here's an email message posted to squid-users on how to make transparent proxying work with a Cisco router and Squid running on Linux.

by Brian Feeny

Here is how I have Transparent proxying working for me, in an environment where my router is a Cisco 2501 running IOS 11.1, and Squid machine is running Linux 2.0.33.

Many thanks to the following individuals and the squid-users list for helping me get redirection and transparent proxying working on my Cisco/Linux box.

First, here is what I added to my Cisco, which is running IOS 11.1. In IOS 11.1 the route-map command is "process switched" as opposed to the faster "fast-switched" route-map which is found in IOS 11.2 and later. You may wish to be running IOS 11.2. I am running 11.1, and have had no problems with my current load of about 150 simultaneous connections to squid.:

        interface Ethernet0
         description To Office Ethernet
         ip address
         no ip directed-broadcast
         no ip mroute-cache
         ip policy route-map proxy-redir
        access-list 110 deny   tcp host any eq www
        access-list 110 permit tcp any any eq www
        route-map proxy-redir permit 10
         match ip address 110
         set ip next-hop

So basically from above you can see I added the "route-map" declaration, and an access-list, and then turned the route-map on under int e0 "ip policy route-map proxy-redir"

ok, so the Cisco is taken care of at this point. The host above:, is the ip number of my squid host.

My squid box runs Linux, so I had to do the following on it:

my kernel (2.0.33) config looks like this:

        # Networking options
        # CONFIG_NET_ALIAS is not set
        # CONFIG_RST_COOKIES is not set
        # CONFIG_IP_FIREWALL_VERBOSE is not set
        # CONFIG_IP_ACCT is not set

You will need Firewalling and Transparent Proxy turned on at a minimum.

Then some ipfwadm stuff:

        # Accept all on loopback
        ipfwadm -I -a accept -W lo
        # Accept my own IP, to prevent loops (repeat for each interface/alias)
        ipfwadm -I -a accept -P tcp -D 80
        # Send all traffic destined to port 80 to Squid on port 3128
        ipfwadm -I -a accept -P tcp -D 0/0 80 -r 3128

it accepts packets on port 80 (redirected from the Cisco), and redirects them to 3128 which is the port my squid process is sitting on. I put all this in /etc/rc.d/rc.local

I am using v1.1.20 of Squid with Henrik's patch installed. You will want to install this patch if using a setup similar to mine.

17.5 The cache is trying to connect to itself...

by Henrik Nordstrom

I think almost everyone who have tried to build a transparent proxy setup have been bitten by this one.

Measures you can take:

17.6 Transparent caching with FreeBSD

by Duane Wessels

I set out yesterday to make transparent caching work with Squid and FreeBSD. It was, uh, fun.

It was relatively easy to configure a cisco to divert port 80 packets to my FreeBSD box. Configuration goes something like this:

access-list 110 deny   tcp host any eq www
access-list 110 permit tcp any any eq www
route-map proxy-redirect permit 10
 match ip address 110
 set ip next-hop
int eth2/0
 ip policy route-map proxy-redirect
Here, is the IP address of the FreeBSD cache machine.

Once I have packets going to the FreeBSD box, I need to get the kernel to deliver them to Squid. I started on FreeBSD-2.2.7, and then downloaded IPFilter. This was a dead end for me. The IPFilter distribution includes patches to the FreeBSD kernel sources, but many of these had conflicts. Then I noticed that the IPFilter page says ``It comes as a part of FreeBSD-2.2 and later.'' Fair enough. Unfortunately, you can't hijack connections with the FreeBSD-2.2.X IPFIREWALL code (ipfw), and you can't (or at least I couldn't) do it with natd either.

FreeBSD-3.0 has much better support for connection hijacking, so I suggest you start with that. You need to build a kernel with the following options:

        options         IPFIREWALL
        options         IPFIREWALL_FORWARD

Next, its time to configure the IP firewall rules with ipfw. By default, there are no "allow" rules and all packets are denied. I added these commands to /etc/rc.local just to be able to use the machine on my network:

        ipfw add 60000 allow tcp from any to any
        ipfw add 60001 allow icmp from any to any
But we're still not hijacking connections. To accomplish that, add these rules:
        ipfw add 49  allow tcp from to any
        ipfw add 50  fwd tcp from any to any 80
The second line (rule 50) is the one which hijacks the connection. The first line makes sure we never hit rule 50 for traffic originated by the local machine. This prevents forwarding loops.

Note that I am not changing the port number here. That is, port 80 packets are simply diverted to Squid on port 80. My Squid configuration is:

        http_port 80
        httpd_accel_host virtual
        httpd_accel_port 80
        httpd_accel_with_proxy on
        httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

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