It is necessary to have the photon polarization operator in many applications. The vacuum polarization can't be calculated from the first principals. It must be used experimental data from e+e- annihilation to hadrons as input for calculation. Vacuum polarization effects in propagator of virtual photon was evaluated with accuracy better than 0.06 % up to 2 GeV (except ω, φ resonances, where precision is 0.08 and 0.2% respectively) - in cross-section normalisation factor.
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Presentation at SIGHAD, 2008, IHEP, Beijing: sighad08_vpol.pdf
Ph.D. Thesis (in Russian), chapter 4: thesisIgnatov.pdf
ver. Dec. 2022 vpol_all_bare_sum_v2.9.dat vpol_bare_lept_v2.9.dat vpol_bare_adler_v2.9.dat
Number of points was chosen to keep desired precision (ReP<1e-4,ImP<1e-3) with linear interpolation between points.
The format of file:
s, GeV2; Re P(-s) ; Re P(s); Im P(s); s(Re P(-s)); s(Re P(s)); s(Im P(s)); cov[Re P(s),Im P(s)]/(sRe sIm)
To operate with VP table, you can use this example ( ROOT must be installed):
wget wget tar -zxf vpllite.tar.gz cd vpllite/ make root
and ROOT macro:
{ gSystem->Load(""); TFilePolarization f; f.LoadData("../vpol_all_bare_sum_v2.9.dat"); f.PDraw(-3.,3.,311,"","",10000); f.Show(1.); cout<<f.Polarization(1.)<<endl; }
lepton contribution : vpol_bare_lept.dat
ver. March 2009 full P : vpol_all_bare_sum_v1.dat
ver. Feb. 2016 full P : vpol_all_bare_sum_v2.dat
ver. Oct. 2019 full P : vpol_all_bare_sum_v2.7.dat
Please contact me for any comments and suggestions, e-mail: