// -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: Point3D.h,v 1.8 1999/04/06 17:13:34 evc Exp $
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hep geometrical 3D Point class
// This file is part of Geant4 (simulation toolkit for HEP).
// Author: Evgeni Chernyaev <Evgueni.Tcherniaev@cern.ch>
// History:
// 09.09.96 E.Chernyaev - initial version
#ifndef HepPoint3D_hh
#define HepPoint3D_hh
#include "CLHEP/config/CLHEP.h"
#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
class HepTransform3D;
class HepPoint3D : public Hep3Vector {
// Constructor
HepPoint3D(HepDouble x=0, HepDouble y=0, HepDouble z=0)
: Hep3Vector(x, y, z) {}
// Copy constructor
HepPoint3D(const Hep3Vector &v) : Hep3Vector(v) {}
// Destructor
~HepPoint3D() {};
// Assignment
HepPoint3D& operator=(const HepPoint3D &v) {
setX(v.x()); setY(v.y()); setZ(v.z()); return *this;
// Assignment of Hep3Vector and classes derived from it (Vector3D, Normal3D)
HepPoint3D& operator=(const Hep3Vector &v) {
setX(v.x()); setY(v.y()); setZ(v.z()); return *this;
// Distance squared to the origin
HepDouble distance2() const { return mag2(); }
// Distance squared to the point
HepDouble distance2(const HepPoint3D &p) const {
HepDouble delx = p.x()-x(), dely = p.y()-y(), delz = p.z()-z();
return delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
// Distance to the origin
HepDouble distance() const { return sqrt(distance2()); }
// Distance to the point
HepDouble distance(const HepPoint3D &p) const { return sqrt(distance2(p)); }
// Transformation
HepPoint3D& transform(const HepTransform3D &m);
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h"
inline HepPoint3D& HepPoint3D::transform(const HepTransform3D &m) {
return *this = m * (*this);
#endif /* HepPoint3D_hh */
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