// -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: testMatrix.cc,v 1.9 1998/12/11 10:58:15 evc Exp $
// This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
// This is a small program for testing the classes from the HEP Matrix module.
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/DiagMatrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/Random.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/JamesRandom.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
#include "CLHEP/config/iostream.h"
#include "CLHEP/config/iomanip.h"
#ifdef HEP_USE_STD
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#define PRINTOUT
int matrix_test1(const HepGenMatrix&m) {
// test of virtual finctions.
static int dum = 0;
dum += m.num_col();
return 0;
// test function
HepDouble neg(HepDouble f, int, int) {
return -f;
HepDouble absf(HepDouble f, int, int) {
return fabs(f);
HepDouble negv(HepDouble f, int) {
return -f;
void matrix_test2(const HepSymMatrix&m, HepSymMatrix &n) {
n = m.sub(2,5);
void matrix_test() {
// complete test of all functions in Matrix.cc
cout << "Starting Matrix tests" << endl;
// Test of HepMatrix()
HepMatrix a;
// Test of HepMatrix(p,q)
HepMatrix a(3,5);
HepMatrix b(4,5,0);
cout << "4x5 matrix initialized to zero " << b;
HepMatrix c(3,3,1);
cout << "3x3 matrix initialized to identity " << c;
// Test of HepMatrix(p,q,Random)
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(3,3,r);
cout << "3x3 matrix initialized with Random " << a;
// Test of HepMatrix(const HepMatrix&);
HepMatrix b(a);
cout << "matrix initialized to the previous matrix " << b;
// Test of sub matrix
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(8,5,r);
HepMatrix b = a.sub(2,6,3,5);
cout << "8x5 matrix" << a;
cout << "sub matrix (2-6 x 3-5 of the previous matrix." << b;
HepMatrix c(2,3,0);
cout << "embedding sub matrix at 4,3" << a;
// Test of dsum
HepMatrix d(3,2,r);
cout << "dsum" << dsum(a,d);
// m += m1;
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(5,5,r);
HepMatrix b(5,5,r);
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b" << b;
cout << "a += b" << (a+=b);
HepMatrix c;
c = a + b;
cout << "a + b" << c;
// test of T();
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(5,3,r);
HepMatrix b = a.T();
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "a.T" << b;
cout << "End of Matrix tests" << endl;
void symmatrix_test() {
// Test of HepSymMatrix()
HepSymMatrix a;
// Test of HepSymMatrix(p)
HepSymMatrix a(3);
HepSymMatrix b(4,0);
cout << "4x4 Symmetric matrix initialuzed to zero " << b;
HepSymMatrix c(3,1);
cout << "3x3 Symmetric matrix initialized to identity "<< c;
// Test of HepSymMatrix(p,Random)
HepRandom r;
HepSymMatrix a(3,r);
cout << "3x3 symmetric matrix initialized with Random " << a << endl;
// Test of HepSymMatrix(const HepSymMatrix&);
HepSymMatrix b(a);
cout << "symmetric matrix initialized to the previous matrix " << b;
HepMatrix c(b);
cout << "matrix initialized to the previous symmetric matrix "
<< c;
// Access to elements
HepDouble f = 3.8;
HepDouble g = 22.5;
cout << c(1,1) << " " << c[0][0] << endl;
c(1,2) = f;
c[2][1] = g;
c(2,3) = f;
c[1][2] = g;
cout << c << endl;
HepMatrix &d = c;
cout << d(1,1) << " " << d[0][0] << endl;
// Test of sub symmatrix
HepRandom r;
HepSymMatrix a(5,r);
HepSymMatrix b = a.sub(2,5);
cout << "5x5 sym matrix" << a;
cout << "sub sym matrix (2-5 x 2-5 of the previous sub matrix." << b;
HepSymMatrix c(3,0);
cout << "embedding sub matrix at 2" << a;
// m = m1 + s;
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(5,5,r);
HepSymMatrix b(5,r);
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b(sym)" << b;
cout << "a += b" << (a+=b);
HepMatrix c = a + b;
cout << "a + b" << c;
// test of similarity(Matrix)
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(5,3,r);
HepSymMatrix b(3,r);
HepSymMatrix c = b.similarity(a);
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b" << b;
cout << "c" << c;
// test of similarityT(Matrix)
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(3,5,r);
HepSymMatrix b(3,r);
HepSymMatrix c = b.similarityT(a);
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b" << b;
cout << "c" << c;
// test of similarity(SymMatrix)
HepRandom r;
HepSymMatrix a(3,r);
HepSymMatrix b(3,r);
HepSymMatrix c = b.similarity(a);
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b" << b;
cout << "c" << c;
// test of similarity(Vector)
HepRandom r;
HepVector a(3,r);
HepSymMatrix b(3,r);
HepDouble c = b.similarity(a);
HepSymMatrix cc = b.similarity(HepMatrix(a.T()));
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b" << b;
cout << "c\t" << c << endl;
cout << "c" << cc;
cout << "End of SymMatrix tests" << endl;
void diagmatrix_test() {
// Test of HepDiagMatrix()
HepDiagMatrix a;
// Test of HepDiagMatrix(p)
HepDiagMatrix a(3);
HepDiagMatrix b(4,0);
cout << "4x4 diagonal matrix initialized to zero " << b;
HepDiagMatrix c(3,1);
cout << "3x3 diagonal matrix initialized to identity " << c;
// Test of HepDiagMatrix(p,Random)
HepRandom r;
HepDiagMatrix a(3,r);
cout << "3x3 diagonal matrix initialized to Random " << a;
// Test of HepDiagMatrix(const HepDiagMatrix&);
HepDiagMatrix b(a);
cout << "diagonal matrix initialized to the previous matrix " << b;
HepMatrix c(b);
cout << "matrix initialized to the previous diagonal matrix "
<< c;
HepSymMatrix d(b);
cout << "Symmetric matrix initialized to the previous diagonal matrix "
<< d;
// Test of sub diagmatrix
HepRandom r;
HepDiagMatrix a(8,r);
HepDiagMatrix b = a.sub(2,5);
cout << "8x8 diag matrix" << a;
cout << "sub diag matrix (2-5 x 2-5 of the previous diag matrix." << b;
HepDiagMatrix c(3,0);
cout << "embedding sub matrix at 2" << a;
// m = m1 + s;
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(5,5,r);
HepDiagMatrix b(5,r);
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b(diag)" << b;
cout << "a += b" << (a+=b);
HepMatrix c = a + b;
cout << "a + b" << c;
cout << "End of DiagMatrix tests" << endl;
void vector_test() {
// Test of HepVector()
HepVector a;
// Test of HepVector(p)
HepVector a(3);
HepVector b(4,0);
cout << "4 vector initialized to zero "<< b;
HepVector c(3,1);
cout << "3 vector initialized to identity " << c;
// Test of HepVector(p,Random)
HepRandom r;
HepVector a(3,r);
cout << "3 vector initialized to Random " << a;
// Test of HepVector(const HepVector&);
HepVector b(a);
cout << "Vector initialized to the previous vector " << b;
HepMatrix c(b);
cout << "matrix initialized to the previous vector "
<< c;
HepVector d(c);
cout << "Vector initialized to the previous matrix "
<< d;
// Test of sub diagmatrix
HepRandom r;
HepVector a(8,r);
HepVector b = a.sub(2,5);
cout << "8 vector" << a;
cout << "sub vector (2-5 of the previous vector." << b;
HepVector c(3,0);
cout << "embedding sub vector at 2 " << a;
// m = m1 + s;
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(5,1,r);
HepVector b(5,r);
cout << "a" << a;
cout << "b(vector)" << b;
cout << "a += b" << (a+=b);
HepMatrix c = a + b;
cout << "a + b" << c;
cout << "End of Vector tests" << endl;
int main() {
// Test of HepMatrix
cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setw(10);
// Test of default constructor
HepMatrix m;
// Test of constructors.
HepMatrix d(3,3,1);
HepMatrix e(3,3,0);
HepMatrix f(5,3);
HepMatrix g(f);
// Test of constructor with a Random object.
HepRandom r;
HepMatrix a(3,3,r);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << a << endl;
HepMatrix b(3,5,r);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << b << endl;
HepSymMatrix dds(3,r);
HepMatrix ddm(dds);
HepDiagMatrix ddd(3,r);
HepMatrix ddmd(ddd);
HepVector ddv(3,r);
HepMatrix ddmv(ddv);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "nraw=" << b.num_row() << " ncol=" << b.num_col() << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "b(1,1)=" << b(1,1) << " b(2,1)=" << b(2,1) << endl;
b(2,3) = 1.0;
b /= 3.0;
b *= 6.0;
HepSymMatrix sm(3,r);
HepDiagMatrix dm(3,r);
HepVector vvm(3,r);
d += e;
d += sm;
d += dm;
ddmv += vvm;
a -= e;
a -= sm;
a -= dm;
ddmv -= vvm;
d = sm;
d = dm;
d = a;
ddmv = vvm;
e = d.apply(neg);
a = d.T();
e = b.sub(1,2,3,2);
m = d * a;
m = d * sm;
m = d * dm;
m = sm * d;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Dm=" << dm << " d = " << d << endl;
m = dm * d;
m = sm * sm;
m = dm * dm;
// SymMatrix
HepSymMatrix s;
HepSymMatrix ss(6);
HepSymMatrix si(6,1);
HepSymMatrix sz(6,0);
HepSymMatrix sr(6,r);
HepSymMatrix sc(sr);
HepSymMatrix scd(dm);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "nraw=" << sr.num_row() << " ncol=" << sr.num_col() << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "sr(1,1)=" << sr(1,1) << " sr(2,1)=" << sr(2,1) << endl;
sr(4,3) = r();
sr.fast(3,1) = r();
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "d=" << d << "s=" << s << endl;
ss *= 0.5;
ss /= 0.2;
HepDiagMatrix ddds(ss.num_row(),r);
ss += si;
ss += ddds;
ss -= sr;
ss -= ddds;
ss = ddds;
s = sr;
s = ss.T();
HepMatrix mm(6,4,r);
ss = s.similarityT(mm);
HepMatrix mt(8,6,r);
ss = s.similarity(mt);
s = sr.sub(2,5);
s = ss.sub(2,7);
m = s * sr;
m = s * m;
m = m * s;
HepVector v(6,r);
s = vT_times_v(v);
// Test of HepDiagMatrix
HepDiagMatrix dt;
HepDiagMatrix dn(6);
HepDiagMatrix di(6,1);
HepDiagMatrix dz(6,0);
HepDiagMatrix dr(6,r);
HepDiagMatrix dc(dr);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Nr=" << di.num_row() << " Nc=" << dz.num_col() << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "dr(1,1)=" << dr(1,1) << endl;
dr(4,4) = r();
dr.fast(2,2) = r();
dr *= 3.0;
dr /= 3.0;
dr += dt;
dr -= di;
dt = dz;
dz = dt.T();
di = dt.apply(neg);
s = dr.similarityT(mm);
s = dr.similarity(mt);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "sim=" << dr.similarity(v);
dt = dr.sub(2,5);
// Test of HepVector
HepVector vt;
HepVector vp(6);
HepVector vz(6,0);
HepVector vi(6,1);
HepVector vr(6,r);
HepVector vc(vr);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "vz=" << vz << "vi=" << vi << endl;
HepVector vm(HepMatrix(6,1,r));
HepVector vs(HepSymMatrix(1,r));
HepVector vd(HepDiagMatrix(1,r));
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Nr=" << vr.num_row() << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "vr(3)=" << vr(3) << endl;
vr(2) = r();
vi *= 2.5;
vi /= 2.5;
vm += HepMatrix(6,1,r);
vs += HepSymMatrix(1,r);
vd += HepDiagMatrix(1,r);
vi += vr;
vm -= HepMatrix(6,1,r);
vs -= HepSymMatrix(1,r);
vd -= HepDiagMatrix(1,r);
vi -= vc;
vm = HepMatrix(6,1,r);
vs = HepSymMatrix(1,r);
vd = HepDiagMatrix(1,r);
vt = vc;
vt = vc.apply(negv);
vt = vc.sub(2,5);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Normsq=" << vc.normsq() << "Norm=" << vc.norm() << endl;
m = vc.T();
vt = sr * vr;
vt = dr * vr;
vt = mt * vr;
f = vr * m;
// Test of other operators
f = 3.5 * m;
s = 3.5 * ss;
dt = 3.5 * dr;
vt = 3.5 * vr;
f = m * 3.6;
s = ss * 3.6;
dt = dr * 3.6;
vt = vr * 3.6;
f = m / 3.6;
s = ss / 3.6;
dt = dr / 3.6;
vt = vr / 3.6;
d = HepMatrix(6,3,r);
e = HepMatrix(6,3,r);
m = d + e;
d = HepMatrix(6,6,r);
m = d + sr;
m = d + dr;
m = sr + d;
m = dr + d;
s = sr + si;
dt = dr + di;
s = dr + sr;
s = sr + dr;
e = HepMatrix(6,1,r);
v = e + vr;
v = vr + e;
v = vr + vz;
d = HepMatrix(6,3,r);
e = HepMatrix(6,3,r);
m = d - e;
d = HepMatrix(6,6,r);
dr = HepDiagMatrix(6,r);
m = d - sr;
m = d - dr;
m = sr - d;
m = dr - d;
s = sr - si;
dt = dr - di;
s = dr - sr;
s = sr - dr;
e = HepMatrix(6,1,r);
v = e - vr;
v = vr - e;
v = vr - vz;
// Test of Matrix inversion
m = HepMatrix(6,6,r);
// a = m;
int inv;
a = m.inverse(inv);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Inv=" << inv << endl;
if(inv==0) {
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
HepMatrix am(a * m), ma(m * a);
cout << "a*m=" << am.apply(absf) << "m*a=" << ma.apply(absf) << endl;
v = HepVector(6,r);
vt = solve(m, v);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "m*vt=" << m*vt << "v=" << v << endl;
ss = HepSymMatrix(6,r);
// s = ss;
s = ss.inverse(inv);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Inv=" << inv << endl;
if(inv==0) {
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
HepMatrix sss(s*ss), ssss(ss*s);
cout << sss.apply(absf) << ssss.apply(absf) << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Before diag:ss=" << ss << endl;
s = ss;
m = diagonalize(&ss);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "m=" << m << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "ss=" << ss << endl;
cout << "Sim" << ss.similarity(m) << endl;
HepSymMatrix diff(ss.similarity(m) - s);
cout << "Diff" << diff.apply(absf) << endl;
m = HepMatrix(6,6,r);
a = qr_inverse(m);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
HepMatrix am(a * m), ma(m * a);
cout << am.apply(absf) << ma.apply(absf) << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Norm 1 =" << norm1(m) << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Norm 2 =" << norm(m) << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Norm i =" << norm_infinity(m) << endl;
m = HepMatrix(8,6,r);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "m=" << m << endl;
a = qr_decomp(&m);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "a=" << a << "m=" << m << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "a*m=" << a*m << endl;
m = HepMatrix(8,8,r);
v = HepVector(8,r);
vt = qr_solve(m,v);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "v=" << v << " m*vt=" << m*vt << endl;
m = HepMatrix(8,8,r);
a = HepMatrix(8,3,r);
b = qr_solve(m,a);
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "v=" << a << " m*b=" << m*b << endl;
#if defined(PRINTOUT)
cout << "Test was successful" << endl;
// Some useful things it can do.
// Spherisity
// HepUniformRandomAB ab(-1,1);
HepJamesRandom Myengine;
RandFlat ab(Myengine);
HepVector p[10];
int i;
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
p[i] = HepVector(3,ab);
p[i] *= 2.0;
p[i](1) -= 1;
p[i](2) -= 1;
p[i](3) -= 1;
HepSymMatrix sp(3,0);
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
HepDouble psq = p[i].normsq();
sp(1,1) += psq - p[i](1)*p[i](1);
sp(2,2) += psq - p[i](2)*p[i](2);
sp(3,3) += psq - p[i](3)*p[i](3);
sp(2,1) -= p[i](2)*p[i](1);
sp(3,1) -= p[i](3)*p[i](1);
sp(3,2) -= p[i](3)*p[i](2);
HepMatrix spd = diagonalize(&sp);
cout << "sp=" << sp << " spd=" << spd << endl;
HepSymMatrix spps(7,r);
HepSymMatrix sppss(spps);
cout << "condition = " << condition(spps) << endl;
HepMatrix sb = diagonalize(&spps);
HepSymMatrix sppssdiff(sppss - spps.similarity(sb));
cout << "spps=" << spps << "sppss - sim = " << sppssdiff.apply(absf)
<< endl;
return 0;
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