
HepStrings is a simple string class for C++. Strings have automatic storage management and value semantics. Copying of the string contents is common in this implementation.


Dag Bruck
Modified slightly by Leif Lonnblad


#include "CLHEP/String/Strings.h"

class HepStrings

Public Member Functions

inline HepString()
Constructs empty string.
Constructs string from a character.
HepString(const char *)
Constructs string from a character array.
Constructs a string from an integer number.
HepString(double, unsigned precision = 6)
Constructs a string from a floating point number.
Note that the precision argument has no effect for the current implementation when running with libg++.
Copy constructor
HepString(const HepString &)
Constructs copy of another string.
inline ~HepString()
Destroys string, deallocating storage.
Conversion operator
inline operator const char * () const
const char* cast operator. Returns pointer to the contents of the string.
HepString & operator = (const HepString &)
HepString & operator = (const char *)
HepString & operator = (char)
Assignment to string.
HepString operator + (const HepString &)
HepString operator + (const char *)
HepString operator + (char)
Concatenates two strings, or a string with a char.
HepString & operator += (const HepString &)
HepString & operator += (const char *)
HepString & operator += (char)
Appends a string or character to string.
inline HepBoolean operator ! () const
Returns true if the string is empty.
inline HepBoolean operator == (const HepString &) const
HepBoolean operator == (const char *) const
Tests for equality.
inline HepBoolean operator != (const HepString &) const
inline HepBoolean operator != (const char *) const
Tests for inequality.
inline char operator () (unsigned) const
Returns i'th character of string.
No bounds checking! Strings start at 0 (zero).

HepString operator () (unsigned start, unsigned n) const
Returns the substring starting at start which is at most n characters long.
Strings start at 0 (zero).
HepString car() const
Treating the string as a white-space separated list of sub-string, return the first sub-string.
Analogous to the car function in lisp.
HepString cdr() const
Treating the string as a white-space separated list of sub-string, return the list after removing the first element.
Analogous to the cdr function in lisp.
inline HepBoolean isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string is empty.
inline int index(const HepString &) const
Returns the first position of a string within the string.
The first character has index 0.

inline int index(char) const
Returns the first position of a character within the string.
The first character has index 0.
inline unsigned length() const
Returns length of string (excluding terminating null).
inline int lIndex(char) const
Returns the last position of a character within the string.
HepString lower() const
Returns a string where every upper case letter is converted lower case, according to ctype(3). Other characters are copied unchanged.
inline long toInt() const
Converts string contents to integer.
inline double toFloat() const
Converts string contents to double.
HepString upper() const
Returns a string where every lower case letter is converted to upper case, according to ctype(3). Other characters are copied unchanged.

Non-Member Functions

HepString operator + (const char *, const HepString &)
HepBoolean operator == (const char *, const HepString &)
Tests for equality.
HepBoolean operator != (const char *, const HepString &)
Test for inequality.
istream & operator >> (istream &, HepString &)
Extracts a string from an input stream. Initial whitespace is skipped. The string extends until the next whitespace.
ostream & operator << (ostream &, const HepString &)
Inserts a string in the output stream. The same formatting as for char* takes place.



1 October 1997