Next: AAAA001 Foreword
Previous: GEANT
- AAAA001
- Foreword
- AAAA002
- Introduction to the User's Guide
- BASE001
- Introduction to GEANT
- BASE010
- Simplified Program Flow Chart
- BASE020
- The Data Structures and their Relationship
- BASE040
- Summary of Data Records
- BASE090
- The Reference Systems and Physical Units
- BASE100
- Examples of MAIN Program and User Initialisation
- BASE110
- The System Initialisation routines
- BASE200
- Steering routines for Event Processing
- BASE280
- Storing and retrieving JRUNG and JHEAD information
- BASE299
- The banks
- BASE300
- Example of User Termination and related routines
- BASE400
- Debugging facilities
- BASE410
- Utility Routines
- BASE420
- The random number generator
- CONS001
- Introduction to the section
- CONS100
- Standard Material definition and related routines
- CONS101
- Fetch Material Cross-sections
- CONS110
- Mixtures and Compounds
- CONS199
- The Material data structure JMATE
- CONS200
- Tracking Medium Parameters and related routines
- CONS210
- Special Tracking Parameters
- CONS300
- Standard Particle definition and related routines
- CONS310
- Branching Ratios and Particle Decay Modes
- DRAW001
- Introduction to the Drawing package
- DRAW010
- The Ray-tracing package
- DRAW110
- Drawing a Volume -- Case 1
- DRAW115
- Drawing a Volume Projection view -- Case 2
- DRAW120
- Draw a volume cut view
- DRAW130
- Draw Particle Trajectories
- DRAW140
- Drawing Track Hits in Sensitive Detectors
- DRAW210
- Drawing the Geometrical Tree
- DRAW220
- Drawing Volume Specifications
- DRAW300
- Handling View banks
- DRAW399
- The View data structure JDRAW
- DRAW400
- Other routines of the Drawing package
- GEOM001
- Introduction to the Geometry package
- GEOM010
- Tracking inside volumes and optimisation
- GEOM020
- `` MANY'' Volumes and boolean operations on volumes
- GEOM050
- The System Shapes
- GEOM100
- Creation of a Volume
- GEOM110
- Positioning a Volume inside its Mother - Case 1
- GEOM120
- Positioning a Volume inside its Mother - Case 2
- GEOM130
- Division of a Volume into a given Number of Cells
- GEOM140
- Division of a Volume into Cells of a given Size
- GEOM150
- Division of a Volume - General case
- GEOM199
- The Volume data structure
- GEOM200
- Handling Rotation Matrices
- GEOM299
- The Rotation Matrix data structure
- GEOM300
- Finding Volumes which correspond to given Space Point
- GEOM310
- Finding Distance to Next Boundary
- GEOM320
- Reference System Transformations
- GEOM400
- Pseudo Division of a Mother Volume
- GEOM410
- Ordering the Contents of a Volume
- GEOM500
- Volume Attributes
- GEOM600
- User Initialisation of the common block
- GEOM700
- Medium Search Statistics
- GEOM900
- End of Geometry Initialisation
- GEOM910
- GEANT-SET interface CADINT 1.20
- HITS001
- Introduction to the Detector Response package
- HITS100
- Handling Sensitive DETector basic parameters
- HITS105
- Handling Detector Aliases
- HITS110
- Handling Sensitive DETector Hit parameters
- HITS120
- Handling Sensitive DETector Digitisation parameters
- HITS130
- Storing and Retrieving User Detector parameters
- HITS199
- The Detector Set data structure
- HITS200
- Routines to Communicate with the
data structure
- HITS299
- The Hit data structure
- HITS300
- Routines to Communicate with the data structure
- HITS399
- The Digitisation data structure
- HITS400
- Intersection of a Track with a Cylinder or a Plane
- HITS500
- Digitisation of Drift- or MWP- Chambers
- HITS510
- Digitisation of Drift Chambers
- IOPA001
- The I/O service routines
- IOPA200
- Open/Close FZ Zebra logical Units
- IOPA300
- Read or Write Data Structures
- IOPA400
- Open/Close RZ Zebra logical Units
- IOPA500
- Read/Write RZ Data Structures
- KINE001
- Introduction to the section KINE
- KINE100
- Storing/Retrieving Vertex and Track parameters
- KINE199
- The Kinematics data structures
- KINE200
- GEANT Interface to the Lund Monte Carlo
- KINE210
Generation and Decay
- PHYS001
- Introduction to the section PHYS
- PHYS010
- Compute the Occurrence of a Process
- PHYS100
- Steering routine for Cross-section and Energy loss calculation
- PHYS210
- Total cross-section for
-pair production by photons
- PHYS211
- Simulation of
-pair production by photons
- PHYS220
- Total cross-section for Compton scattering
- PHYS221
- Simulation of Compton scattering
- PHYS230
- Total cross-section for photoelectric effect
- PHYS231
- Simulation of photoelectric effect
- PHYS240
- Photon-induced fission on heavy materials
- Phys250
- Total cross-section for Rayleigh scattering
- PHYS251
- Simulation of Rayleigh scattering
- PHYS260
- Cerenkov photons
- PHYS320
- Gaussian multiple scattering
- PHYS325
- Molière Scattering
- PHYS328
- Plural scattering
- PHYS330
- Ionization processes induced by
- PHYS331
- Simulation of the delta-ray production
- PHYS332
- Simulation of energy loss straggling
- PHYS333
- Energy threshold for delta-ray production
- PHYS334
- Models for energy loss fluctuations in thin layers
- PHYS337
- Birks' saturation law
- PHYS340
- Total cross-section and energy loss for Bremsstrahlung by
- PHYS341
- Simulation of discrete Bremsstrahlung by electrons
- PHYS350
- Total cross-section for
- PHYS351
- Simulation of
- PHYS360
- Synchrotron radiation
- PHYS400
- Simulation of particle decays in flight
- PHYS410
- Lorentz transformation and rotation
- PHYS430
- Ionization processes induced by heavy particles
- PHYS431
- Ionisation processes for heavy ions
- PHYS440
- Total cross-section and energy loss for Bremsstrahlung by Muons
- PHYS441
- Simulation of discrete Bremsstrahlung by muons
- PHYS450
- Total cross-section and energy loss for
-pair production by muons
- PHYS451
- Simulation of
-pair production by muons
- PHYS460
- Muon-nucleus interactions
- PHYS510
- The GEANT/GHEISHA Interface
- PHYS520
- The GEANT/FLUKA Interface
- PHYS530
- The GEANT/MICAP interface
- TRAK001
- Introduction to the Tracking package
- TRAK110
- Steering routine to Track one Event
- TRAK120
- Steering routine to Track one Particle
- TRAK130
- Tracking one Particle through a physical Volume
- TRAK200
- The Tracking routines
- TRAK300
- Storing Shower Tracks in the Stack
- TRAK310
- Altering the order of tracking secondary particles
- TRAK399
- The Shower Stack data structure
- TRAK400
- Track Space Points
- TRAK499
- The Space Point data structure
- TRAK500
- Tracking routines in a Magnetic Field
- XINT001
- The interactive version of GEANT
- XINT002
- Introduction to the Interactive version of GEANT
- ZZZZ010
- List of COMMON Blocks
- ZZZZ999
- Index of Documented GEANT routines
Next: AAAA001 Foreword
Previous: GEANT
Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995