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The initialisation is controlled by the user in the subroutine UGINIT who has the responsibility to call the appropriate routines ( [BASE100]). It consists of the following steps, most of them performed through calls to GEANT subroutines:

initialise the GEANT common blocks with default values ( [BASE030], [BASE110]);
read free format data records either to modify the default options ( [BASE040], [BASE110]) or to provide information on the current run;
initialise the memory manager, the link areas and the run header bank JRUNG ( [BASE110]);
initialise the drawing package ( [DRAW]), calling this routine without having initialised the graphics package via a call to IGINIT or HPLINT will cause GEANT to abort;
(or GSPART) fill the data structure JPART with the particle properties ( [CONS]);
(or GSMATE) fill the data structure JMATE with the characteristics of the materials used ( [CONS]);
User code
it is the responsibility of the user to:
process all the geometrical information provided by the user and prepare for particle transport;
book standard GEANT histograms if required by the user with the data record HSTA ( [BASE040], [BASE110]);
compute energy loss and cross-section tables and store them in the data structure JMATE ( [CONS], [PHYS]).

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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995