Routine ID: GEOM400 | |
Author(s): | Submitted: 16.12.83 |
Origin: R.Brun,F.Bruyant,A.C.McPherson | Revised: 15.12.93 |
This routine sets the search flag ( Q(JVO+1)) of volume CHNAME to -ICORD. When the definition of the geometry is complete and GGCLOS is called, this flag is interpreted as a request to order the content of CHNAME along axis ICORD. This operation is performed by the routine GGORD. GGORD computes the limits of each of the contents along the given coordinate axis (see [GEOM001]), and prepares the lists of contents in each of the sections defined by the neighbouring coordinate. The JVOLUM structure is extended, for the mother volume, with banks which contains the list of boundaries and the lists of contents, so as to permit a binary search to access the contents of interest. The coordinates are in the local system of the mother volume. The routine GGORD will not be called if the number of contents exceeds 500.
The actual effect of this routine depends on the setting of the IOPTIM variable in the common /GCOPTI/. IOPTIM is controlled by the data record OPTI or the interactive command with the same name. The meaning of the different values of IOPTIM is the following:
GGORDQ orders the contents along all the possible axes and choses the ordering which provides the lowest number of volumes per division.
F.Carminati, M.Lefebvre