The material file is written into a separate file simultaneously with the SET file. It contains information on tracking medium, material and density for each defined volume. The GEANT tree is written into this same file. After the volume name there follows the number of daughters and daughter names. In a case of divided volume, the negative number of divisions is given after the name of the divided volume, and followed by the offset, step and the name of the division instance. An output of a material file of a GEANT example program:
GEANT-SET MATERIAL LISTING FILE -------------------------------- Materials in the geometry described in the .SET file: gexam4.set Volume name Tracking media Material Density CALO 1 AIR 1 AIR 0.12000001E-02 CAL1 1 AIR 1 AIR 0.12000001E-02 MOD1 1 AIR 1 AIR 0.12000001E-02 CAL2 1 AIR 1 AIR 0.12000001E-02 MOD2 1 AIR 1 AIR 0.12000001E-02 CAL3 1 AIR 1 AIR 0.12000001E-02 MOD3 1 AIR 1 AIR 0.12000001E-02 EPO1 4 CARBON 4 CARBON 0.22650001E+01 CHA1 6 BRASS 6 BRASS 0.85600004E+01 TUB1 6 BRASS 6 BRASS 0.85600004E+01 GAS1 5 GAS 5 ARG/ISOBU 0.21360000E-02 GEANT TREE ---------- The GEANT tree starting from the given volume CALO 6 CAL1 CAL2 CAL3 EPO1 CHA1 EPO1 CAL1 -64 -0.48000000E+02 0.15000000E+01 MOD1 CAL2 -35 -0.43750000E+02 0.25000000E+01 MOD2 CAL3 -13 -0.24050001E+02 0.37000003E+01 MOD3 CHA1 -40 -0.25000000E+02 0.12500000E+01 TUB1 MOD1 6 SHIL URPL SHIL EPO1 CHA1 EPO1 MOD2 4 SHIL URPL SHIL CHA2 MOD3 2 COPL CHA2 TUB1 1 GAS1 CHA2 -72 -0.23500000E+02 0.65277779E+00 TUB2 TUB2 1 GAS2 ------ end of file -------