Routine ID: BASE010 | |
Author(s): | Submitted: 01.10.84 |
Origin: | Revised: 19.10.94 |
MAIN user routine
GZEBRA initialisation of ZEBRA system, dynamic core allocation
UGINIT user routine
GINIT initialisation of GEANT variables
GFFGO interpretation of data records
GZINIT initialisation of ZEBRA core divisions and link areas
GPART/GSPART creation of the particle data structure JPART
GMATE/GSMATE creation of the material data structure JMATE
user code description of the geometrical setup, of the sensitive detectors, creation of data structures JVOLUM, JTMED, JROTM, JSETS
GPHYSI preparation of cross-section and energy-loss tables for all used materials
GRUN loop over events
GTRIGI initialisation for event processing
GTRIG event processing
GUKINE (user) generation (or input) of event initial kinematics
GUTREV (user)
GTREVE loop over tracks, including any secondaries generated
GUTRAK (user)
GTRACK control tracking of current track
GFINDS find current volume in the geometry tree
GUSTEP (user) recording of hits in data structure JHITS and of space points in data structure JXYZ
GUPARA called if the particle falls below the tracking threshold
GTGAMA/GTELEC/... tracking of particle according to type
GFSTAT fill banks for volume statistics
GSTRAC store information of the current track segment
GUSTEP (user) recording of hits in data structure JHITS and of space points in data structure JXYZ
GTMEDI finds in which volume/medium the current space point is
GUSTEP (user) recording of hits in data structure JHITS and of space points in data structure JXYZ
GUDIGI computation of digitisations and recording in data structure JDIGI
GUOUT output of current event
GTRIGC clearing of memory for next event
UGLAST (user)
GLAST standard GEANT termination