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HITS299 JHITS data structure

Routine ID: HITS299
Author(s): Submitted: 01.11.83
Origin: R.BrunRevised: 18.12.93



Figure: Layout of the JHITS data structure

JH=LQ(JHITS-ISET) pointer to hits structure for set number ISET
IQ(JH+IDET) number of words used for storing the hitsof detector number IDET
JHD=LQ(JH-IDET) pointer to hits bank for detector number IDETofset number ISET
IQ(JHD+1) 1st word of 1st hit
IQ(JHD+NWH+1) 1st word of 2nd hit
JS=LQ(JSET-ISET) pointer to the structure containing the descriptionof set number ISET
JD=LQ(JS-IDET) pointer to the bank containing the description of detectornumber IDETof set number ISET
NWH=IQ(JD+3) number of words in which a hit of detectornumber IDETof set number ISETis stored

The JHITS structure is filled with the routines GSAHIT and GSCHIT. The routine GFHITS can be used to get the hits for a detector IDET in set ISET.


Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995