To simulate the interactions of hadrons with the nuclei of the matter traversed, two alternatives are provided:
The code both of the GHEISHA and of the FLUKA generators is contained in the GEANT library. Users should be aware that the routines of these packages do not follow the GEANT naming conventions and therefore they can clash with the names of user procedures.
By means of systematic fits to the existing data, the cross-sections of the electromagnetic processes are well reproduced (within a few percent) from 10 keV up to 100 GeV, both for light (low Z) and for heavy materials.
This feature, together with the use of the interface with one of the hadronic shower generators available, makes GEANT useful also for shower simulation in gases.
Muonic interactions are simulated up to 10 TeV, making GEANT useful for cosmic rays studies.
The following alternatives are provided to simulate this process:
Two methods are provided:
In order to save time during the transport of the particles, relevant energy-dependent quantities are tabulated at the beginning of the run, for all materials, as functions of the kinetic energy of the particle. In particular, the inverse of the total cross-sections of all processes involving photons, electrons and muons and the and range tables for electrons, muons and protons are calculated. The actual value of, say, the interaction length for a given process (i.e. the inverse of the macroscopic cross section) is then obtained via a linear interpolation in the tables. The data structure which contains all this information in memory is supported by the link JMATE in the /GCLINK/ common block. See [PHYS100] and [CONS199] for a more information on these tables.
The total cross-section of each process is used at tracking time to evaluate the probability of occurrence of the process. See [PHYS010] for an explanation of the method used.
Note: The section PHYS is closely related to the section CONS. Users wishing to have a complete overview of the physics processes included in GEANT should read both sections.