Let be the total microscopic cross section for a given interaction. The mean free path, , for a particle to interact is given by:
where is the macroscopic cross-section in . This quantity is given for an element by:
and for a compound or a mixture by:
Avogadro's number ( ) | |
atomic number | |
atomic weight | |
density | |
total cross-section for the reaction | |
proportion by number of the element in the material | |
, proportion by weight of the element in the material |
For electromagnetic processes which depend linearly on the atomic number Z we can write:
| ||
| ||
the value above of is calculated by GPROBI. This mean free path is tabulated at initialisation time as a function of the kinetic energy of the particle, or, for hadronic interactions, it is calculated at tracking time.
Cross sections are tabulated in the energy range defined as:
in NEK1 bins. These values can be redefined by the data record RANGE. Default values are , and . NEKBIN cannot be bigger than 199. The array ELOW is in the common /GCMULO/.
Numerically, if we measure the microscopic cross section in b where , we can express the macroscopic cross section as:
| ||
which is the formula mostly used in GEANT.