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The interaction length

Let σ(E,Z,A) be the total microscopic cross section for a given interaction. The mean free path, λ , for a particle to interact is given by: λ= {1Σ}

where Σ is the macroscopic cross-section in cm-1 . This quantity is given for an element by:

Σ= {NAvρσ(E,Z,A)A}

and for a compound or a mixture by:

Σ= {NAvρ∑iniσ(E,Zi,Ai)iniAi}= NAvρ∑i{piAi}&sp;σ(E,Zi,Ai)

NAv Avogadro's number (6.02486 x1023 )
Z atomic number
A atomic weight
ρ density
σ total cross-section for the reaction
ni proportion by number of the ith element in the material
pi =niAi/ ∑jnjAj , proportion by weight of the ith element in the material

For electromagnetic processes which depend linearly on the atomic number Z we can write:

Σ(E) = NAvρ∑i{piAi}&sp;σ(E,Zi) =NAvρ∑i{piAi}&sp;Zif(E)

= NAvρf(E) ∑i{piAi}&sp;Zi= NAvρf(E) Zeff

Zeff = i{piAi}&sp;Zi

the value above of Zeff is calculated by GPROBI. This mean free path is tabulated at initialisation time as a function of the kinetic energy of the particle, or, for hadronic interactions, it is calculated at tracking time.

Cross sections are tabulated in the energy range defined as: ELOW(1)≤E ≤ELOW(NEK1)

in NEK1 bins. These values can be redefined by the data record RANGE. Default values are ELOW(1)= 10 keV , ELOW(NEK1)= 10 TeV and NEKBIN= NEK1-1 = 90 . NEKBIN cannot be bigger than 199. The array ELOW is in the common /GCMULO/.

Numerically, if we measure the microscopic cross section in b where 1b=10-24cm-2 , we can express the macroscopic cross section as:
Σ[cm-1] = {6.02486 x1023ρ[g &sp;cm-3]σ(E,Z,A) [b]x10-24A}

= 0.602486 &sp;{ρ[g &sp;cm-3]A}&sp;σ(E,Z,A) [b]

which is the formula mostly used in GEANT.

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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995