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GEANT uses the FFREAD []
package to read free format data records in the routine GFFGO.
The keywords accepted by GFFGO can be
classified as:
- general control of the run;
- control of the physics processes;
- debug and I/O operations;
- user applications;
- Lund event generation.
The data records are listed below by category with the following information:
- keyword, any number of characters
truncated to the first 4 unless otherwise specified by the user;
- N
- maximum expected number of variables ( NVAR);
- T
- type of these variables ( I=INTEGER, R=REAL or M=MIXED)
and for each variable in turn:
- variable FORTRAN name;
- short description (more detail in [ZZZZ010]);
- labelled common where it is stored;
- default value, usually from GINIT.
When a record is decoded, the values entered by the user
in free format are assigned to the variables in order.
The number of values can be less than NVAR. In case of a MIXED
type the values entered have agree
with the type of the corresponding variable.
For example the data record:
RUNG 5 201
presets the run and event number to 5 and 201 respectively.
None of the records mentioned below is mandatory.
Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995