CALL GCOMP ttGCOMPtt generates the Compton scattering of a photon on an atomic electron. It uses the random number techniques of Butcher and Messell [] to sample the scattered photon energy according to the Klein-Nishina formula [].
The interaction produces one electron, which is put in the /GCKING/ common block for further tracking. Tracking of the scattered photon will continue, with direction and energy changed by the interaction. All input/output information is through GEANT common blocks.
Input: | via COMMON /GCTRACK/ |
Output: | via COMMONs /GCTRAK/and /GCKING/ |
Compton scattering is selected in GEANT by the input data record COMP. When Compton scattering is selected, GCOMP is called automatically from the GEANT photon tracking routine GTGAMA.