GDRELA initialises the ionisation energy loss tables for different
materials for muons, electrons and positrons and other particles.
The energy binning is set within the array
ELOW (common /GCMULO/) in the routine GPHYSI.
The tables are filled with the quantity
in GeV/cm (formula
() below)
which is valid for an element as well as a mixture or a compound.
In the tables the dE/dx due to ionisation is summed with the
energy loss coming from bremsstrahlung.
For energy loss of electrons and positrons, it calls GDRELE
using the following pointers:
JMA = LQ(JMATE-I) | pointer to the material |
JEL1 = LQ(JMA-1) | pointer for dE/dx for electrons |
JEL1+90 | pointer for dE/dx for positron |
GDRELA is called at initialisation time by GPHYSI. CALL GDRELE (EEL,CHARGE,JMA,DEDX) GDRELE computes the ionisation energy loss ( DEDX) for electrons ( CHARGE = -1) and positrons ( CHARGE = +1) with kinetic energy EEL in the material indicated by I in JMA = LQ(JMATE-I). It is called by the routine GDRELA. CALL GDRSGA CDRSGA calculates the total cross-section in all materials for delta rays for Möller () and Bhabha () scattering and for muons. It tabulates the mean free path, (in cm) as a function of the medium and the energy. The energy binning is set within the array ELOW (common /GCMULO/) in the routine GPHYSI. The following pointers are used (see JMATE data structure):
JMA = LQ(JMATE-I) | pointer to the material |
JDRAY = LQ(JMA-11) | pointer to -ray cross-sections |
JDRAY | pointer for electrons |
JDRAY+90 | pointer for positrons |
JDRAY+180 | pointer for . |
The routine is called during initialisation by GPHYSI.