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Validity ranges for the different models

The limits of the validity for the various models are somewhat arbitrary within a certain range of material densities and particle energies. To help determine these limits, some characteristic parameters are used:


typical energy loss of a particle in a given layer of material. Its value is:

ξ= 2 πre2mec2NAv( {Zincβ})2{Z ρtA}= 0.1535 ( {Zincβ})2{Z ρtA}&sp;(MeV)


maximum transferable energy in a single collision:

EMax= {2 meβ2γ21 +2 γ{meM}+( {meM}) 2}

where M is the mass of the incoming particle. Note that for incoming electrons this value has to be divided by 2 due to the impossibility distinguishing the two electrons in the final state.

typical electron binding energy. This is a value which characterises the average energy levels of the atomic electrons. In GEANT it is parametrised as:

I = 16 Z0.9&sp;(eV)


average energy loss by the particle in a layer of thickness t according to the GEANT energy loss tables.


(hereafter κ ) relative importance of high energy transfer collisions in the ionisation process

min( {dEdx}&sp;t,ξ)/I

(hereafter Δ ) estimation of the number of collisions with energy close to the ionisation energy.

In GEANT two variables control the model used to describe the energy loss fluctuations:

fluctuation model:
no energy loss;
δ -rays are produced above the threshold, reduced fluctuations from δ -rays below the threshold are added to the energy loss;
no δ -rays are produced, complete fluctuations are calculated;
same as 1;
no fluctuations;
energy loss model for thin layer (see below):
Urbán model;
PAI model;
ASHO model for 1 < Δ≤30 ,(not yet available) PAI model otherwise;
The validity limits of the different models are estimated as follows:
  1. large number of low-energy collisions: Δ≥50

    if δ -rays generation is requested ( ILOSS = 1 or 3 and IDRAY = 1) the Urbán model is used. If δ -rays are not produced ( ILOSS = 2 and IDRAY = 0) we distinguish three regions:

    1. very few energy transfers close to the maximum: κ≤10-2

      the Landau distribution is used;

    2. few energy transfers close to the maximum: 10-2< κ≤10

      the Vavilov distribution is used;

    3. many energy transfers close to the maximum: κ> 10

      the Gauss distribution is used;

  2. small number of low-energy collisions: Δ< 50

    in this region the same model is used for 1 ≤ILOSS≤3 irrespective of the value of IDRAY. The model used depends on the value of ISTRA.

    1. 30 < Δ≤50

      Urbán model if ISTRA = 0, PAI model otherwise.

    2. 1 < Δ≤30

      Urbán model if ISTRA = 0, PAI model if ISTRA =1 and ASHO model if ISTRA =2.

    3. 0.01 < Δ≤1

      Urbán model if ISTRA = 0, PAI model otherwise.

    4. Δ≤0.01

      Urbán model if ISTRA =0, PAI model otherwise.

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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995