CALL GSTINI GSTINI initializes the tables that are used for sampling of the energy loss, if the user has set the flag STRA = 1. It calls the subroutine GSTXIN to integrate an expression for the number of collisions and GSTTAB for preparing the tables for different Lorentz factors. It is called from GPHYSI at initialization time.
CALL GSTXIN GSTXIN computes the values needed for the sampling tables. It uses the functions GOSCIN to integrate over the photoelectric cross-sections and the function GKOKRI to compute the real part of the complex dielectric constant. GSTXIN is called from GSTINI.
GOSCINVALUE = GOSCIN(EIN1EV,EIN2EV) GOSCIN integrates the parameterization of the photoelectric cross-sections from energy EIN1EV to energy EIN2EV. It is called from GSTXIN.
GKOKRIVALUE = GKOKRI(E,EMINEV,EMAXEV) GKOKRI computes the real part of the complex dieletric constant which is needed in the preparation of energy loss sampling tables. E in the energy for which the values are being tabulated, EMINEV and EMAXEV are the integration limits. GKOKRI is called from GSTXIN.
CALL GSTTAB (GAM,NT,EN,FN) GSTTAB prepares the energy loss sampling tables for different Lorentz factors. The input GAM is the Lorentz factor, the output values are: NT the lenght of the table, EN the energy array and FN the cumulative probabilty array. It calls GXGINT to integrate over the probability function GSTDN to get the value of FN. GSTTAB is called from GSTINI.
GXGINTVALUE = GXGINT(EXT,A,B,EPS) GXGINT performs the Gaussian integration from A to B over the function EXT with accuracy EPS. It is called from GSTTAB to integrate over the probability function GSTDN.
GSTDNVALUE = GSTDN(LGE) GSTDN is the function which gives the probability for a collision with energy transfer LGE. It is integrated to get the cumulative probabilty function to be used in the sampling of the energy loss.
CALL GSTREN (GAMMA,ECUT,STEP) GSTREN computes the energy loss for a particle of Lorentz factor GAMMA in a step of length STEP if the user has set the flag STRA = 1. ECUT is the cut for the -ray production. GSTREN is called from GFLUCT.