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GDECAY is the control routine for the simulation of particle
decays in flight. For a given parent particle it selects from a list a
two- or three-body decay mode using the known branching ratios and calls the
routines needed to generate the vertex and secondary tracks.
It used the following input and output:
- input:
- via common blocks /GCTRAK/ and /GCKINE/
- output:
- via common block /GCKING/
GDECAY is called by the tracking routines.
It calls the subroutines
GDECA2 for two-body decay, GDECA3 for three-body decay,
GLOREN for Lorentz transformation and GDROT for rotation.
For the documentation of GLOREN and GDROT, see [PHYS410].
- XM0
- ( REAL) mass of the parent particle
- XM1
- ( REAL) mass of the first decay product
- XM2
- ( REAL) mass of the second decay product
- PCM(3,4)
- ( REAL) array containing the four-vectors of
the decay products
GDECA2 simulates the two-body decay with isotropic angular
distribution in the center-of-mass system. It is called from
- XM0
- ( REAL) mass of the parent particle
- XM1
- ( REAL) mass of the first decay product
- XM2
- ( REAL) mass of the second decay product
- XM3
- ( REAL) mass of the third decay product
- PCM(3,4)
- ( REAL) array containing the four-vectors of
the decay products
GDECA3 simulates the three-body decay
with isotropic angular distribution in the center-of-mass system.
It is called from GDECAY.
Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995