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The Reliability of Minuit Error Estimates.

Minuit always carries around its own current estimates of the parameter errors, which it will print out on request, no matter how accurate they are at any given point in the execution. For example, at initialization, these estimates are just the starting step sizes as specified by the user. After a [MIGrad]MIGRAD or [HESse]HESSE step, the errors are usually quite accurate, unless there has been a problem. Minuit, when it prints out error values, also gives some indication of how reliable it thinks they are. For example, those marked 'CURRENT GUESS ERROR' are only working values not to be believed, and 'APPROXIMATE ERROR' means that they have been calculated but there is reason to believe that they may not be accurate. If no mitigating adjective is given, then at least Minuit believes the errors are accurate, although there is always a small chance that Minuit has been fooled. Some visible signs that Minuit may have been fooled are:

The best way to be absolutely sure of the errors, is to use ``independent'' calculations and compare them, or compare the calculated errors with a picture of the function if possible. For example, if there is only one free parameter, the command [SCAn]SCAN allows the user to verify approximately the function curvature. Similarly, if there are only two free parameters, use [CONtour]CONTOUR. To verify a full error matrix, compare the results of [MIGrad]MIGRAD with those (calculated afterward) by [HESse]HESSE, which uses a different method. And of course the most reliable and most expensive technique, which must be used if asymmetric errors are required, is [MINOs]MINOS.

4cmConvergence in MIGRAD, and Positive-definiteness.

[MIGrad]MIGRAD uses its current estimate of the covariance matrix of the function to determine the current search direction, since this is the optimal strategy for quadratic functions and ``physical'' functions should be quadratic in the neighbourhood of the minimum at least. The search directions determined by [MIGrad]MIGRAD are guaranteed to be downhill only if the covariance matrix is positive-definite, so in case this is not true, it makes a positive-definite approximation by adding an appropriate constant along the diagonal as determined by the eigenvalues of the matrix. Theoretically, the covariance matrix for a ``physical'' function must be positive-definite at the minimum, although it may not be so for all points far away from the minimum, even for a well-determined physical problem. Therefore, if [MIGrad]MIGRAD reports that it has found a non-positive-definite covariance matrix, this may be a sign of one or more of the following:

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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:36:46 METDST 1995