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Errors printed by Minuit

The errors printed by Minuit at any given stage represent the best symmetric error estimates available at that stage, which may not be very good. For example, at the first entry to FCN, the user's step slzes are given, and these may bear no resemblance at all to proper parameter errors, although they are supposed to be order-of-magnltude estimates. After crude minimizers like [SEEk]SEEK or [SIMplex]SIMPLEX, a revised error estimate may be given, but this too is only meant to be an order-or-magnitude estimate, and must certainly not be taken seriously as a physical result. Such numbers are mainly for the internal use of Minuit, which must after all assume a step size for future minimizations and derivative calculations, and uses these ``errors'' as a first guess to be modified on the basis of experience.

Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:36:46 METDST 1995