The ROOT Team

The ROOT project was started by René Brun late November 1994. His long time collaborator Fons Rademakers joined the project around January 1995. In the middle of August 1995 Nenad Buncic joined the team, followed by Valery Fine in December 1995.

René Brun is working at CERN since 1973. During this time he has been instrumental in the design and development of many popular software packages, a.o., HBOOK, GEANT, ZEBRA, PAW and PIAF. Quite a number of these packages found their way out of the High Energy Physics community and are being used by people in many different research areas. For example, during its prime PAW was, according to an estimate, being used by around 20000 people world-wide. Currently René is working in the NA49 collaboration, which provides the stimulating and challenging environment necessary for the development of an ambitious project like ROOT.

Fons Rademakers has been working with René Brun since 1988. Together they worked on CMZ, HBOOK, PAW, PAW++ and PIAF. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Particle Physics Fons has been a CERN fellow for 3 years, and an HP Labs fellow for 1 year. Currently he is working for GSI (based at CERN).

Nenad Buncic is fairly new in the world of High Energy Physics. He has a degree in computer science and is being paid by the NA49 collaboration to work on ROOT. In very short time he managed to grasp the concepts of the system and contributed the 3D graphics, object browser and HTML documentation generation sub-systems. He left the ROOT team in the summer of 1997 to pursue other interests. He still can be contacted for help on the documentation system.

Valery Fine has a Ph.D in Physics and Mathematics and is a professor of the Dubna University and senior researcher of the Laboratory of Computer Techniques and Automation of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). Valery has ported the ROOT system on the Windows/NT and Windows95 platforms. His work was financially supported by NA49. Valery left the ROOT team in December 1997 and currently works in Brookhaven National Laboratory. Valery plans to continue to support ROOT on the Win32 platform.

The authors would like to thank and acknowledge the following people
Masaharu Goto
for the CINT C/C++ interpreter
Gunter Roland
very early adopter and ROOT evangelist
Jacek Holeczek
for the invaluable help in porting and testing ROOT on AIX
Maarten Ballintijn
for porting ROOT to Linux on a snowless sunday afternoon
Bjarne Stroustrup
for discussions and comments concerning the class structure

P. Bemis and M. Benard
Hewlett-Packard Company
R. Stock
NA49 Spokesman
A. Sandoval
NA49 Computer Infrastructure Coordinator
K. Bos
MOOSE Project Coordinator

C. Bormann
Early Adopter
M. Marino
Early Adopter

Family and Friends
for their support

Enter the special developers area.

Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers
Last update 18/12/97 by FR