Downloading ROOT

We are developing ROOT according to the principle of:

   Release early and release often
However, since a very large portion of the user base requires a stable product we generally keep three version of the system available for download. The new, pro and old versions.

The new version evolves quickly, with weekly or bi-weekly releases. Use this to get access to the latest and greatest, but as a side effect there might be some instabilities. However, by trying out the new version you can help us converge much more quickly to a stable version that can then become the new pro version. If you are a new user we would advice you to try directly the new version.

The pro (production) version is a version we feel comfortable with to exposing to a large audience for serious work. The change rate of this version is much lower than for the new version. In the order of 3 to 6 months.

The old version is the previous pro version that people might need for some time before switching the the new pro version. The old change rate is the same as for pro.

For each of the three version we provide the full source and precompiled binaries for most of the supported platforms (although for the new version we can not always keep up with providing all the binaries).

The following versions are available for download:

After downloading and upacking please read the included AA_README file (or README/README for version 2.25/00 onwards) on how to set the necessary environment variables.

From AFS

Users at CERN (or those having access to the CERN AFS cell) can also use ROOT directly from AFS.

Documentation in PostScript and HTML Format

PostScript Documentation

The following PostScript files have been generated by automatically scanning the ROOT HMTL files. This documentation includes page numbers, table of contents and an index.

These files refer to version 1.03/07. We hope to soon come with a more up to date version.

HTML Documentation

In case you don't have a permanent internet connection, you can get a copy of the complete ROOT html tree (51 MB). All links are relative links to the top of this tree. This file refers to version 2.25/03.

Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers
Last update 14/12/2000 by RB