// @(#)root/gui:$Name: $:$Id: TGLayout.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:42 rdm Exp $ // Author: Fons Rademakers 02/01/98 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGLayout #define ROOT_TGLayout ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // A number of different layout classes (TGLayoutManager, // // TGVerticalLayout, TGHorizontalLayout, TGLayoutHints, etc.). // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include "TObject.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGDimension #include "TGDimension.h" #endif //---- layout hints enum ELayoutHints { kLHintsNoHints = 0, kLHintsLeft = BIT(0), kLHintsCenterX = BIT(1), kLHintsRight = BIT(2), kLHintsTop = BIT(3), kLHintsCenterY = BIT(4), kLHintsBottom = BIT(5), kLHintsExpandX = BIT(6), kLHintsExpandY = BIT(7), kLHintsNormal = (kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop) }; class TGFrame; class TGCompositeFrame; class TGLayoutHints; class TList; // Temporarily public as we need to share this class definition // with the frame manager class class TGFrameElement : public TObject { public: TGFrame *fFrame; Int_t fState; TGLayoutHints *fLayout; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGLayoutHints // // // // This class describes layout hints used by the layout classes. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGLayoutHints : public TObject { protected: ULong_t fLayoutHints; // layout hints (combination of ELayoutHints) UInt_t fPadtop; // amount of top padding UInt_t fPadbottom; // amount of bottom padding UInt_t fPadleft; // amount of left padding UInt_t fPadright; // amount of right padding public: TGLayoutHints(ULong_t hints = kLHintsNormal, UInt_t padleft = 0, UInt_t padright = 0, UInt_t padtop = 0, UInt_t padbottom = 0) { fPadleft = padleft; fPadright = padright; fPadtop = padtop; fPadbottom = padbottom; fLayoutHints = hints; } ULong_t GetLayoutHints() const { return fLayoutHints; } UInt_t GetPadTop() const { return fPadtop; } UInt_t GetPadBottom() const { return fPadbottom; } UInt_t GetPadLeft() const { return fPadleft; } UInt_t GetPadRight() const { return fPadright; } ClassDef(TGLayoutHints,0) // Class describing GUI layout hints }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGLayoutManager // // // // Frame layout manager. This is an abstract class. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGLayoutManager : public TObject { public: virtual void Layout() = 0; virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const = 0; ClassDef(TGLayoutManager,0) // Layout manager abstract base class }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGVerticalLayout and TGHorizontalLayout managers. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGVerticalLayout : public TGLayoutManager { protected: TGCompositeFrame *fMain; // container frame TList *fList; // list of frames to arrange public: TGVerticalLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main); virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGVerticalLayout,0) // Vertical layout manager }; class TGHorizontalLayout : public TGVerticalLayout { public: TGHorizontalLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main) : TGVerticalLayout(main) { } virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGHorizontalLayout,0) // Horizontal layout manager }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGRowLayout and TGColumnLayout managers. // // // // The follwing two layout managers do not make use of TGLayoutHints. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGRowLayout : public TGVerticalLayout { public: Int_t fSep; // interval between frames TGRowLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main, Int_t s = 0) : TGVerticalLayout(main) { fSep = s; } virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGRowLayout,0) // Row layout manager }; class TGColumnLayout : public TGRowLayout { public: TGColumnLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main, Int_t s = 0) : TGRowLayout(main, s) { } virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGColumnLayout,0) // Column layout manager }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGMatrixLayout manager. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGMatrixLayout : public TGLayoutManager { protected: TGCompositeFrame *fMain; // container frame TList *fList; // list of frames to arrange public: Int_t fSep; // interval between frames Int_t fHints; // layout hints UInt_t fRows; // number of rows UInt_t fColumns; // number of columns TGMatrixLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main, UInt_t r, UInt_t c, Int_t s=0, Int_t h=0); virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGMatrixLayout,0) // Matrix layout manager }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGTileLayout, TGListLayout and TGListDetailsLayout managers. // // // // This are layout managers for the TGListView widget. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGTileLayout : public TGLayoutManager { protected: Int_t fSep; // separation between tiles TGCompositeFrame *fMain; // container frame TList *fList; // list of frames to arrange public: TGTileLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main, Int_t sep = 0); virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGTileLayout,0) // Tile layout manager }; class TGListLayout : public TGTileLayout { public: TGListLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main, Int_t sep = 0) : TGTileLayout(main, sep) { } virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGListLayout,0) // Layout manager for TGListView widget }; class TGListDetailsLayout : public TGTileLayout { public: TGListDetailsLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main, Int_t sep = 0) : TGTileLayout(main, sep) { } virtual void Layout(); virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const; ClassDef(TGListDetailsLayout,0) // Layout manager for TGListView details }; #endif