// @(#)root/cont:$Name: $:$Id: TMap.h,v 1.3 2000/09/08 16:11:02 rdm Exp $ // Author: Fons Rademakers 12/11/95 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TMap #define ROOT_TMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TMap // // // // TMap implements an associative array of (key,value) pairs using a // // hash table for efficient retrieval (therefore TMap does not conserve // // the order of the entries). The hash value is calculated // // using the value returned by the keys Hash() function. Both key and // // value need to inherit from TObject. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TCollection #include "TCollection.h" #endif class THashTable; class THashTableIter; class TMapIter; class TBrowser; class TMap : public TCollection { friend class TMapIter; private: THashTable *fTable; //Hash table used to store TAssociation's public: TMap(Int_t capacity = TCollection::kInitHashTableCapacity, Int_t rehash = 0); virtual ~TMap(); void Add(TObject *obj); void Add(TObject *key, TObject *value); Float_t AverageCollisions() const; Int_t Capacity() const; void Clear(Option_t *option=""); Int_t Collisions(const char *keyname) const; Int_t Collisions(TObject *key) const; void Delete(Option_t *option=""); void DeleteAll(); TObject *FindObject(const char *keyname) const; TObject *FindObject(TObject *key) const; TObject *GetValue(TObject *key) const; TIterator *MakeIterator(Bool_t dir = kIterForward) const; void Rehash(Int_t newCapacity, Bool_t checkObjValidity = kTRUE); TObject *Remove(TObject *key); ClassDef(TMap,3) //A map }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TAssoc // // // // Internal class used by TMap to store associations. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TAssoc : public TObject { private: TObject *fKey; TObject *fValue; public: TAssoc(TObject *key, TObject *value) : fKey(key), fValue(value) { } TAssoc(const TAssoc &a) : fKey(a.fKey), fValue(a.fValue) { } virtual ~TAssoc() { } Bool_t IsFolder() const { return kTRUE;} virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b); const char *GetName() const { return fKey->GetName(); } ULong_t Hash() { return fKey->Hash(); } Bool_t IsEqual(TObject *obj) { return fKey->IsEqual(obj); } TObject *Key() const { return fKey; } TObject *Value() const { return fValue; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TMapIter // // // // Iterator of a map. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TMapIter : public TIterator { private: const TMap *fMap; //map being iterated THashTableIter *fCursor; //current position in map Bool_t fDirection; //iteration direction TMapIter() : fMap(0), fCursor(0) { } public: TMapIter(const TMap *map, Bool_t dir = kIterForward); TMapIter(const TMapIter &iter); ~TMapIter(); TIterator &operator=(const TIterator &rhs); TMapIter &operator=(const TMapIter &rhs); const TCollection *GetCollection() const { return fMap; } TObject *Next(); void Reset(); ClassDef(TMapIter,0) //Map iterator }; #endif