// @(#)root/hist:$Name: $:$Id: TSpectrum.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:41 rdm Exp $ // Author: Miroslav Morhac 27/05/99 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TSpectrum #define ROOT_TSpectrum ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THIS FILE CONTAINS HEADERS FOR ADVANCED // // SPECTRA PROCESSING FUNCTIONS. // // // // ONE-DIMENSIONAL BACKGROUND ESTIMATION FUNCTION // // TWO-DIMENSIONAL BACKGROUND ESTIMATION FUNCTION // // ONE-DIMENSIONAL DECONVOLUTION FUNCTION // // TWO-DIMENSIONAL DECONVOLUTION FUNCTION // // ONE-DIMENSIONAL PEAK SEARCH FUNCTION // // TWO-DIMENSIONAL PEAK SEARCH FUNCTION // // // // Miroslav Morhac // // Institute of Physics // // Slovak Academy of Sciences // // Dubravska cesta 9, 842 28 BRATISLAVA // // SLOVAKIA // // // // email:fyzimiro@savba.sk, fax:+421 7 54772479 // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TH1 #include "TH1.h" #endif class TSpectrum : public TNamed { protected: Int_t fNPeaks; //number of peaks found Float_t *fPosition; //!array of current peak positions Float_t *fPositionX; //!X position of peaks Float_t *fPositionY; //!Y position of peaks TH1 *fHistogram; //resulting histogram public: TSpectrum(); TSpectrum(Int_t maxpositions); virtual ~TSpectrum(); virtual char *Background(TH1 *hist,int niter, Option_t *option="goff"); virtual char *Background1(float *spectrum,int size,int niter); virtual char *Background2(float **spectrum,int sizex,int sizey,int niter); virtual char *Deconvolution1(float *source,float *resp,int size,int niter); virtual char *Deconvolution2(float **source,float **resp,int sizex,int sizey,int niter); virtual TH1 *GetHistogram() {return fHistogram;} virtual Int_t GetNPeaks() {return fNPeaks;} virtual Float_t *GetPositionX() {return fPositionX;} virtual Float_t *GetPositionY() {return fPositionY;} virtual int PeakEvaluate(double *temp,int size,int xmax,double xmin); virtual Int_t Search(TH1 *hist, Double_t sigma, Option_t *option="goff"); virtual Int_t Search1(float *spectrum,int size,double sigma); virtual Int_t Search2(float **source,int sizex,int sizey,double sigma); ClassDef(TSpectrum,1) //Peak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution }; #endif