// @(#)root/graf:$Name: $:$Id: TSpline.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:50 rdm Exp $ // Author: Federico Carminati 28/02/2000 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TSpline #define ROOT_TSpline #ifndef ROOT_TH1 #include "TH1.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGraph #include "TGraph.h" #endif class TF1; class TSpline : public TNamed, public TAttLine, public TAttFill, public TAttMarker { protected: Double_t fDelta; // Distance between equidistant knots Double_t fXmin; // Minimum value of abscissa Double_t fXmax; // Maximum value of abscissa Int_t fNp; // Number of knots Bool_t fKstep; // True of equidistant knots TH1F *fHistogram; // Temporary histogram TGraph *fGraph; // Graph for drawing the knots Int_t fNpx; // Number of points used for graphical representation virtual void BuildCoeff()=0; public: TSpline() : fDelta(-1), fXmin(0), fXmax(0), fNp(0), fKstep(kFALSE), fHistogram(0), fGraph(0), fNpx(100) {} TSpline(Text_t *title, Double_t delta, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t np, Bool_t step) : TNamed("Spline",title), TAttFill(0,1), fDelta(delta), fXmin(xmin), fXmax(xmax), fNp(np), fKstep(step), fHistogram(0), fGraph(0), fNpx(100) {} virtual ~TSpline() {if(fHistogram) delete fHistogram; if(fGraph) delete fGraph;} virtual void GetKnot(Int_t i, Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const =0; virtual void Draw(Option_t *option=""); virtual Int_t GetNpx() {return fNpx;} virtual void Paint(Option_t *option=""); virtual Double_t Eval(Double_t x) const=0; void SetNpx(Int_t n) {fNpx=n;} ClassDef (TSpline,1) }; //________________________________________________________________________ class TSplinePoly : public TObject { protected: Double_t fX; // abscissa Double_t fY; // constant term public: TSplinePoly() : fX(0), fY(0) {} TSplinePoly(Double_t x, Double_t y) : fX(x), fY(y) {} Double_t &X() {return fX;} Double_t &Y() {return fY;} void GetKnot(Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const {x=fX; y=fY;} virtual Double_t Eval(Double_t) const {return fY;} ClassDef(TSplinePoly,1) }; //________________________________________________________________________ class TSplinePoly3 : public TSplinePoly { private: Double_t fB; // first derivative at x Double_t fC; // second derivative at x Double_t fD; // third derivative at x public: TSplinePoly3() : fB(0), fC(0), fD(0) {} TSplinePoly3(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t d) : TSplinePoly(x,y), fB(b), fC(c), fD(d) {} Double_t &B() {return fB;} Double_t &C() {return fC;} Double_t &D() {return fD;} Double_t Eval(Double_t x) const { Double_t dx=x-fX; return (fY+dx*(fB+dx*(fC+dx*fD))); } ClassDef(TSplinePoly3,1) }; //________________________________________________________________________ class TSplinePoly5 : public TSplinePoly { private: Double_t fB; // first derivative at x Double_t fC; // second derivative at x Double_t fD; // third derivative at x Double_t fE; // fourth derivative at x Double_t fF; // fifth derivative at x public: TSplinePoly5() : fB(0), fC(0), fD(0), fE(0), fF(0) {} TSplinePoly5(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t d, Double_t e, Double_t f) : TSplinePoly(x,y), fB(b), fC(c), fD(d), fE(e), fF(f) {} Double_t &B() {return fB;} Double_t &C() {return fC;} Double_t &D() {return fD;} Double_t &E() {return fE;} Double_t &F() {return fF;} Double_t Eval(Double_t x) const { Double_t dx=x-fX; return (fY+dx*(fB+dx*(fC+dx*(fD+dx*(fE+dx*fF))))); } ClassDef(TSplinePoly5,1) }; //________________________________________________________________________ class TSpline3 : public TSpline { private: TSplinePoly3 *fPoly; // Array of polynomial terms Double_t fValBeg; // Initial value of first or second derivative Double_t fValEnd; // End value of first or second derivative Int_t fBegCond; // 0=no beg cond, 1=first derivative, 2=second derivative Int_t fEndCond; // 0=no end cond, 1=first derivative, 2=second derivative void BuildCoeff(); void SetCond(Text_t *opt); public: TSpline3() : fPoly(0), fValBeg(0), fValEnd(0), fBegCond(-1), fEndCond(-1) {} TSpline3(Text_t *title, Double_t x[], Double_t y[], Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t valbeg=0, Double_t valend=0); TSpline3(Text_t *title, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t y[], Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t valbeg=0, Double_t valend=0); TSpline3(Text_t *title, Double_t x[], TF1 *func, Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t valbeg=0, Double_t valend=0); TSpline3(Text_t *title, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, TF1 *func, Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t valbeg=0, Double_t valend=0); TSpline3(Text_t *title, TGraph *g, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t valbeg=0, Double_t valend=0); Double_t Eval(Double_t x) const; virtual ~TSpline3() {if (fPoly) delete [] fPoly;} void GetCoeff(Int_t i, Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &b, Double_t &c, Double_t &d) {x=fPoly[i].X();y=fPoly[i].Y(); b=fPoly[i].B();c=fPoly[i].C();d=fPoly[i].D();} void GetKnot(Int_t i, Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const {x=fPoly[i].X(); y=fPoly[i].Y();} static void Test(); ClassDef (TSpline3,1) }; //________________________________________________________________________ class TSpline5 : public TSpline { private: TSplinePoly5 *fPoly; // Array of polynomial terms void BuildCoeff(); void BoundaryConditions(Text_t *opt, Int_t &beg, Int_t&end, char *&cb1, char *&ce1, char *&cb2, char *&ce2); void SetBoundaries(Double_t b1, Double_t e1, Double_t b2, Double_t e2, char *cb1, char *ce1, char *cb2, char *ce2); public: TSpline5() : fPoly(0) {} TSpline5(Text_t *title, Double_t x[], Double_t y[], Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t b1=0, Double_t e1=0, Double_t b2=0, Double_t e2=0); TSpline5(Text_t *title, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t y[], Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t b1=0, Double_t e1=0, Double_t b2=0, Double_t e2=0); TSpline5(Text_t *title, Double_t x[], TF1 *func, Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t b1=0, Double_t e1=0, Double_t b2=0, Double_t e2=0); TSpline5(Text_t *title, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, TF1 *func, Int_t n, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t b1=0, Double_t e1=0, Double_t b2=0, Double_t e2=0); TSpline5(Text_t *title, TGraph *g, Text_t *opt=0, Double_t b1=0, Double_t e1=0, Double_t b2=0, Double_t e2=0); Double_t Eval(Double_t x) const; ~TSpline5() {if (fPoly) delete [] fPoly;} void GetCoeff(Int_t i, Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &b, Double_t &c, Double_t &d, Double_t &e, Double_t &f) {x=fPoly[i].X();y=fPoly[i].Y();b=fPoly[i].B(); c=fPoly[i].C();d=fPoly[i].D(); e=fPoly[i].E();f=fPoly[i].F();} void GetKnot(Int_t i, Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const {x=fPoly[i].X(); y=fPoly[i].Y();} static void Test(); ClassDef (TSpline5,1) }; #endif