// @(#)root/base:$Name: $:$Id: TString.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:39 rdm Exp $ // Author: Fons Rademakers 04/08/95 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TString #define ROOT_TString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TString // // // // Basic string class. // // // // Cannot be stored in a TCollection... use TObjString instead. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __CINT__ #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMath #include "TMath.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TRefCnt #include "TRefCnt.h" #endif #ifdef R__MWERKS # ifdef Length # undef Length # endif #endif #if defined(R__ANSISTREAM) #include using namespace std; #elif R__MWERKS template class ios_traits; template class basic_istream; template class basic_ostream; typedef basic_istream > istream; typedef basic_ostream > ostream; #else class istream; class ostream; #endif class TRegexp; class TString; class TStringLong; class TSubString; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TStringRef // // // // This is the dynamically allocated part of a TString. // // It maintains a reference count. It contains no public member // // functions. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TStringRef : public TRefCnt { friend class TString; friend class TStringLong; friend class TSubString; private: Ssiz_t fCapacity; // Max string length (excluding null) Ssiz_t fNchars; // String length (excluding null) void UnLink(); // disconnect from a TStringRef, maybe delete it Ssiz_t Length() const { return fNchars; } Ssiz_t Capacity() const { return fCapacity; } char *Data() const { return (char*)(this+1); } char& operator[](Ssiz_t i) { return ((char*)(this+1))[i]; } char operator[](Ssiz_t i) const { return ((char*)(this+1))[i]; } Ssiz_t First(char c) const; Ssiz_t First(const char *s) const; unsigned Hash() const; unsigned HashFoldCase() const; Ssiz_t Last(char) const; static TStringRef *GetRep(Ssiz_t capac, Ssiz_t nchar); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TSubString // // // // The TSubString class allows selected elements to be addressed. // // There are no public constructors. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TSubString { friend class TStringLong; friend class TString; private: TString *fStr; // Referenced string Ssiz_t fBegin; // Index of starting character Ssiz_t fExtent; // Length of TSubString // NB: the only constructor is private TSubString(const TString& s, Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len); friend Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& s1, const TSubString& s2); friend Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& s1, const TString& s2); friend Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& s1, const char *s2); protected: void SubStringError(Ssiz_t, Ssiz_t, Ssiz_t) const; void AssertElement(Ssiz_t i) const; // Verifies i is valid index public: TSubString(const TSubString& s) : fStr(s.fStr), fBegin(s.fBegin), fExtent(s.fExtent) { } TSubString& operator=(const char *s); // Assignment to char* TSubString& operator=(const TString& s); // Assignment to TString char& operator()(Ssiz_t i); // Index with optional bounds checking char& operator[](Ssiz_t i); // Index with bounds checking char operator()(Ssiz_t i) const; // Index with optional bounds checking char operator[](Ssiz_t i) const; // Index with bounds checking const char *Data() const; Ssiz_t Length() const { return fExtent; } Ssiz_t Start() const { return fBegin; } void ToLower(); // Convert self to lower-case void ToUpper(); // Convert self to upper-case // For detecting null substrings Bool_t IsNull() const { return fBegin == kNPOS; } int operator!() const { return fBegin == kNPOS; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TString // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TString { friend class TSubString; friend class TStringRef; private: static Ssiz_t fgInitialCapac; // Initial allocation Capacity static Ssiz_t fgResizeInc; // Resizing increment static Ssiz_t fgFreeboard; // Max empty space before reclaim void Clone(); // Make self a distinct copy void Clone(Ssiz_t nc); // Make self a distinct copy w. capacity nc friend TString operator+(const TString& s1, const TString& s2); friend TString operator+(const TString& s, const char *cs); friend TString operator+(const char *cs, const TString& s); friend Bool_t operator==(const TString& s1, const TString& s2); friend Bool_t operator==(const TString& s1, const char *s2); protected: char *fData; // ref. counted data (TStringRef is in front) // Special concatenation constructor TString(const char *a1, Ssiz_t n1, const char *a2, Ssiz_t n2); TStringRef *Pref() const { return (((TStringRef*) fData) - 1); } void AssertElement(Ssiz_t nc) const; // Index in range void Clobber(Ssiz_t nc); // Remove old contents void Cow(); // Do copy on write as needed void Cow(Ssiz_t nc); // Do copy on write as needed static Ssiz_t AdjustCapacity(Ssiz_t nc); void InitChar(char c); // Initialize from char public: enum EStripType { kLeading = 0x1, kTrailing = 0x2, kBoth = 0x3 }; enum ECaseCompare { kExact, kIgnoreCase }; TString(); // Null string TString(Ssiz_t ic); // Suggested capacity TString(const TString& s) // Copy constructor { fData = s.fData; Pref()->AddReference(); } TString(const char *s); // Copy to embedded null TString(const char *s, Ssiz_t n); // Copy past any embedded nulls TString(char c) { InitChar(c); } TString(char c, Ssiz_t s); TString(const TSubString& sub); virtual ~TString(); // ROOT I/O interface virtual void FillBuffer(char *&buffer); virtual void ReadBuffer(char *&buffer); virtual Int_t Sizeof() const; // Type conversion operator const char*() const { return fData; } // Assignment TString& operator=(char s); // Replace string TString& operator=(const char *s); TString& operator=(const TString& s); TString& operator=(const TSubString& s); TString& operator+=(const char *s); // Append string TString& operator+=(const TString& s); // Indexing operators char& operator[](Ssiz_t n); // Indexing with bounds checking char& operator()(Ssiz_t n); // Indexing with optional bounds checking TSubString operator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len); // Sub-string operator TSubString operator()(const TRegexp& re); // Match the RE TSubString operator()(const TRegexp& re, Ssiz_t start); TSubString SubString(const char *pat, Ssiz_t start = 0, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact); char operator[](Ssiz_t) const; char operator()(Ssiz_t) const; TSubString operator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len) const; TSubString operator()(const TRegexp& re) const; // Match the RE TSubString operator()(const TRegexp& re, Ssiz_t start) const; TSubString SubString(const char *pat, Ssiz_t start = 0, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; TSubString Strip(EStripType s = kTrailing, char c = ' ') const; // Non-static member functions TString& Append(const char *cs); TString& Append(const char *cs, Ssiz_t n); TString& Append(const TString& s); TString& Append(const TString& s, Ssiz_t n); TString& Append(char c, Ssiz_t rep = 1); // Append c rep times Bool_t BeginsWith(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Bool_t BeginsWith(const TString& pat, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Ssiz_t Capacity() const { return Pref()->Capacity(); } Ssiz_t Capacity(Ssiz_t n); TString& Chop(); int CompareTo(const char *cs, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; int CompareTo(const TString& st, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Bool_t Contains(const TString& pat, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; TString Copy() const; const char *Data() const { return fData; } Bool_t EndsWith(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Ssiz_t First(char c) const { return Pref()->First(c); } Ssiz_t First(const char *cs) const { return Pref()->First(cs); } unsigned Hash(ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Ssiz_t Index(const char *pat, Ssiz_t i = 0, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Ssiz_t Index(const TString& s, Ssiz_t i = 0, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const; Ssiz_t Index(const char *pat, Ssiz_t patlen, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp) const; Ssiz_t Index(const TString& s, Ssiz_t patlen, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp) const; Ssiz_t Index(const TRegexp& pat, Ssiz_t i = 0) const; Ssiz_t Index(const TRegexp& pat, Ssiz_t *ext, Ssiz_t i = 0) const; TString& Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char *s); TString& Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char *s, Ssiz_t extent); TString& Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString& s); TString& Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString& s, Ssiz_t extent); Bool_t IsAscii() const; Bool_t IsNull() const { return Pref()->fNchars == 0; } Ssiz_t Last(char c) const { return Pref()->Last(c); } Ssiz_t Length() const { return Pref()->fNchars; } TString& Prepend(const char *cs); // Prepend a character string TString& Prepend(const char *cs, Ssiz_t n); TString& Prepend(const TString& s); TString& Prepend(const TString& s, Ssiz_t n); TString& Prepend(char c, Ssiz_t rep = 1); // Prepend c rep times istream& ReadFile(istream& str); // Read to EOF or null character istream& ReadLine(istream& str, Bool_t skipWhite = kTRUE); // Read to EOF or newline istream& ReadString(istream& str); // Read to EOF or null character istream& ReadToDelim(istream& str, char delim = '\n'); // Read to EOF or delimitor istream& ReadToken(istream& str); // Read separated by white space TString& Remove(Ssiz_t pos); // Remove pos to end of string TString& Remove(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n); // Remove n chars starting at pos TString& Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const char *s); TString& Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const char *s, Ssiz_t ns); TString& Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const TString& s); TString& Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n1, const TString& s, Ssiz_t n2); TString& ReplaceAll(const TString& s1,const TString& s2); // Find&Replace all s1 with s2 if any TString& ReplaceAll(const TString& s1,const char *s2); // Find&Replace all s1 with s2 if any TString& ReplaceAll(const char *s1,const TString& s2); // Find&Replace all s1 with s2 if any TString& ReplaceAll(const char *s1,const char *s2); // Find&Replace all s1 with s2 if any TString& ReplaceAll(const char *s1,Ssiz_t ls1, const char *s2,Ssiz_t ls2); // Find&Replace all s1 with s2 if any void Resize(Ssiz_t n); // Truncate or add blanks as necessary TSubString Strip(EStripType s = kTrailing, char c = ' '); void ToLower(); // Change self to lower-case void ToUpper(); // Change self to upper-case // Static member functions static Ssiz_t InitialCapacity(Ssiz_t ic = 15); // Initial allocation capacity static Ssiz_t MaxWaste(Ssiz_t mw = 15); // Max empty space before reclaim static Ssiz_t ResizeIncrement(Ssiz_t ri = 16); // Resizing increment static Ssiz_t GetInitialCapacity(); static Ssiz_t GetResizeIncrement(); static Ssiz_t GetMaxWaste(); ClassDef(TString,1) //Basic string class }; // Related global functions istream& operator>>(istream& str, TString& s); ostream& operator<<(ostream& str, const TString& s); TString ToLower(const TString&); // Return lower-case version of argument TString ToUpper(const TString&); // Return upper-case version of argument inline unsigned Hash(const TString& s) { return s.Hash(); } inline unsigned Hash(const TString *s) { return s->Hash(); } extern char *Form(const char *fmt, ...); // format in circular buffer extern void Printf(const char *fmt, ...); // format and print extern char *Strip(const char *str, char c = ' '); // strip c off str, free with delete [] extern char *StrDup(const char *str); // duplicate str, free with delete [] extern char *Compress(const char *str); // remove blanks from string, free with delele [] extern int EscChar(const char *src, char *dst, int dstlen, char *specchars, char escchar); // copy from src to dst escaping specchars by escchar extern int UnEscChar(const char *src, char *dst, int dstlen, char *specchars, char escchar); // copy from src to dst removing escchar from specchars #ifdef NEED_STRCASECMP extern int strcasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2); extern int strncasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, Ssiz_t n); #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Inlines // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline void TStringRef::UnLink() { if (RemoveReference() == 0) delete [] (char*)this; } inline void TString::Cow() { if (Pref()->References() > 1) Clone(); } inline void TString::Cow(Ssiz_t nc) { if (Pref()->References() > 1 || Capacity() < nc) Clone(nc); } inline TString& TString::Append(const char *cs) { return Replace(Length(), 0, cs, strlen(cs)); } inline TString& TString::Append(const char* cs, Ssiz_t n) { return Replace(Length(), 0, cs, n); } inline TString& TString::Append(const TString& s) { return Replace(Length(), 0, s.Data(), s.Length()); } inline TString& TString::Append(const TString& s, Ssiz_t n) { return Replace(Length(), 0, s.Data(), TMath::Min(n, s.Length())); } inline TString& TString::operator+=(const char* cs) { return Append(cs, strlen(cs)); } inline TString& TString::operator+=(const TString& s) { return Append(s.Data(), s.Length()); } inline Bool_t TString::BeginsWith(const char* s, ECaseCompare cmp) const { return Index(s, strlen(s), (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) == 0; } inline Bool_t TString::BeginsWith(const TString& pat, ECaseCompare cmp) const { return Index(pat.Data(), pat.Length(), (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) == 0; } inline Bool_t TString::Contains(const TString& pat, ECaseCompare cmp) const { return Index(pat.Data(), pat.Length(), (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) != kNPOS; } inline Bool_t TString::Contains(const char* s, ECaseCompare cmp) const { return Index(s, strlen(s), (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) != kNPOS; } inline Ssiz_t TString::Index(const char* s, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp) const { return Index(s, strlen(s), i, cmp); } inline Ssiz_t TString::Index(const TString& s, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp) const { return Index(s.Data(), s.Length(), i, cmp); } inline Ssiz_t TString::Index(const TString& pat, Ssiz_t patlen, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp) const { return Index(pat.Data(), patlen, i, cmp); } inline TString& TString::Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char* cs) { return Replace(pos, 0, cs, strlen(cs)); } inline TString& TString::Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char* cs, Ssiz_t n) { return Replace(pos, 0, cs, n); } inline TString& TString::Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString& s) { return Replace(pos, 0, s.Data(), s.Length()); } inline TString& TString::Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString& s, Ssiz_t n) { return Replace(pos, 0, s.Data(), TMath::Min(n, s.Length())); } inline TString& TString::Prepend(const char* cs) { return Replace(0, 0, cs, strlen(cs)); } inline TString& TString::Prepend(const char* cs, Ssiz_t n) { return Replace(0, 0, cs, n); } inline TString& TString::Prepend(const TString& s) { return Replace(0, 0, s.Data(), s.Length()); } inline TString& TString::Prepend(const TString& s, Ssiz_t n) { return Replace(0, 0, s.Data(), TMath::Min(n, s.Length())); } inline TString& TString::Remove(Ssiz_t pos) { return Replace(pos, TMath::Max(0, Length()-pos), 0, 0); } inline TString& TString::Remove(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n) { return Replace(pos, n, 0, 0); } inline TString& TString::Chop() { return Remove(TMath::Max(0,Length()-1)); } inline TString& TString::Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const char* cs) { return Replace(pos, n, cs, strlen(cs)); } inline TString& TString::Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const TString& s) { return Replace(pos, n, s.Data(), s.Length()); } inline TString& TString::Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n1, const TString& s, Ssiz_t n2) { return Replace(pos, n1, s.Data(), TMath::Min(s.Length(), n2)); } inline TString& TString::ReplaceAll(const TString& s1,const TString& s2) { return ReplaceAll( s1.Data(), s1.Length(), s2.Data(), s2.Length()) ; } inline TString& TString::ReplaceAll(const TString& s1,const char *s2) { return ReplaceAll( s1.Data(), s1.Length(), s2, s2 ? strlen(s2):0) ; } inline TString& TString::ReplaceAll(const char *s1,const TString& s2) { return ReplaceAll( s1, s1 ? strlen(s1): 0, s2.Data(), s2.Length()) ; } inline TString& TString::ReplaceAll(const char *s1,const char *s2) { return ReplaceAll( s1, s1?strlen(s1):0, s2, s2?strlen(s2):0) ; } inline char& TString::operator()(Ssiz_t i) { Cow(); return fData[i]; } inline char TString::operator[](Ssiz_t i) const { AssertElement(i); return fData[i]; } inline char TString::operator()(Ssiz_t i) const { return fData[i]; } inline const char* TSubString::Data() const { return fStr->Data() + fBegin; } // Access to elements of sub-string with bounds checking inline char TSubString::operator[](Ssiz_t i) const { AssertElement(i); return fStr->fData[fBegin+i]; } inline char TSubString::operator()(Ssiz_t i) const { return fStr->fData[fBegin+i]; } // String Logical operators #if !defined(R__MWERKS) && !defined(R__ALPHA) inline Bool_t operator==(const TString& s1, const TString& s2) { return ((s1.Length() == s2.Length()) && !memcmp(s1.Data(), s2.Data(), s1.Length())); } #endif inline Bool_t operator!=(const TString& s1, const TString& s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } inline Bool_t operator< (const TString& s1, const TString& s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)< 0; } inline Bool_t operator> (const TString& s1, const TString& s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)> 0; } inline Bool_t operator<=(const TString& s1, const TString& s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)<=0; } inline Bool_t operator>=(const TString& s1, const TString& s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)>=0; } // Bool_t operator==(const TString& s1, const char* s2); inline Bool_t operator!=(const TString& s1, const char* s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } inline Bool_t operator< (const TString& s1, const char* s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)< 0; } inline Bool_t operator> (const TString& s1, const char* s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)> 0; } inline Bool_t operator<=(const TString& s1, const char* s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)<=0; } inline Bool_t operator>=(const TString& s1, const char* s2) { return s1.CompareTo(s2)>=0; } inline Bool_t operator==(const char* s1, const TString& s2) { return (s2 == s1); } inline Bool_t operator!=(const char* s1, const TString& s2) { return !(s2 == s1); } inline Bool_t operator< (const char* s1, const TString& s2) { return s2.CompareTo(s1)> 0; } inline Bool_t operator> (const char* s1, const TString& s2) { return s2.CompareTo(s1)< 0; } inline Bool_t operator<=(const char* s1, const TString& s2) { return s2.CompareTo(s1)>=0; } inline Bool_t operator>=(const char* s1, const TString& s2) { return s2.CompareTo(s1)<=0; } // SubString Logical operators // Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& s1, const TSubString& s2); // Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& s1, const char* s2); // Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& s1, const TString& s2); inline Bool_t operator==(const TString& s1, const TSubString& s2) { return (s2 == s1); } inline Bool_t operator==(const char* s1, const TSubString& s2) { return (s2 == s1); } inline Bool_t operator!=(const TSubString& s1, const char* s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } inline Bool_t operator!=(const TSubString& s1, const TString& s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } inline Bool_t operator!=(const TSubString& s1, const TSubString& s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } inline Bool_t operator!=(const TString& s1, const TSubString& s2) { return !(s2 == s1); } inline Bool_t operator!=(const char* s1, const TSubString& s2) { return !(s2 == s1); } #endif