// @(#)root/treeviewer:$Name: $:$Id: TTreeViewer.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:45 rdm Exp $ // Author: Rene Brun 08/12/98 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TTreeViewer #define ROOT_TTreeViewer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TTreeViewer // // // // This class is a specialized canvas to browse a Root TTree, // // define cuts, make 1-d,2-d,3-d histograms, selection lists. // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TCanvas #include "TCanvas.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TButton #include "TButton.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TSlider #include "TSlider.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TTimer #include "TTimer.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TTree #include "TTree.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TAttText #include "TAttText.h" #endif class TButton; class TPaveVar; class TTreeViewer : public TCanvas, public TAttText { protected: enum { kDrawExecuting = BIT(17) }; TString fTreeName; //Name of the TTree to be viewed TTree *fTree; //!pointer to the TTree TButton *fDraw; //Pointer to the Draw button TButton *fScan; //Pointer to the Scan button TButton *fBreak; //Pointer to the Break button TButton *fGopt; //Pointer to the Graphics option button TButton *fIList; //Pointer to the EventList In button TButton *fOList; //Pointer to the EventList Out button TButton *fX; //Pointer to the X button TButton *fY; //Pointer to the Y button TButton *fZ; //Pointer to the Z button TButton *fW; //Pointer to the W button TButton *fHist; //Pointer to the Histogram button TButton *fRecord; //Pointer to the Record button TSlider *fSlider; //Pointer to the Event slider TTimer *fTimer; //!Pointer to timer Int_t fTimerInterval; //Timer interval in milliseconds Bool_t fRecordFlag; //Indication to record the Draw command public: TTreeViewer(); TTreeViewer(const char *treename, const char *title="TreeViewer", UInt_t ww=520, UInt_t wh=400); virtual ~TTreeViewer(); virtual void BuildInterface(); TPaveVar *CreateNewVar(const char *varname=""); // *MENU* virtual void ExecuteDraw(Option_t *option=""); Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *timer); TPaveVar *IsUnder(TButton *button); TPaveVar *IsUnderW(TButton *button); TTree *GetTree() {return fTree;} TButton *GetDraw() {return fDraw;} TButton *GetScan() {return fScan;} TButton *GetBreak() {return fBreak;} TButton *GetGopt() {return fGopt;} TButton *GetIList() {return fIList;} TButton *GetOList() {return fOList;} TButton *GetX() {return fX;} TButton *GetY() {return fY;} TButton *GetZ() {return fZ;} TButton *GetW() {return fW;} TButton *GetHist() {return fHist;} TButton *GetRecord() {return fRecord;} TSlider *GetSlider() {return fSlider;} TTimer *GetTimer() {return fTimer;} virtual const char *GetTreeName() const {return fTreeName.Data();} virtual void MakeClass(const char *classname); // *MENU* virtual void Reorganize(); // *MENU* virtual void SetTimerInterval(Int_t msec=333) {fTimerInterval=msec;} // *MENU* virtual void SetTreeName(const char *treename); // *MENU* virtual void ToggleRecordCommand(); //dummies virtual void Divide(Int_t nx=1, Int_t ny=1, Float_t xmargin=0.01, Float_t ymargin=0.01, Int_t color=0); virtual void SetGrid(Int_t valuex = 1, Int_t valuey = 1); virtual void SetGridx(Int_t value = 1); virtual void SetGridy(Int_t value = 1); virtual void SetLogx(Int_t value = 1); virtual void SetLogy(Int_t value = 1); virtual void SetLogz(Int_t value = 1); virtual void SetTickx(Int_t value = 1); virtual void SetTicky(Int_t value = 1); virtual void x3d(Option_t *option=""); ClassDef(TTreeViewer,1) //The Tree viewer and Browser }; inline void TTreeViewer::Divide(Int_t, Int_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetGrid(Int_t, Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetGridx(Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetGridy(Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetLogx(Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetLogy(Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetLogz(Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetTickx(Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::SetTicky(Int_t) { } inline void TTreeViewer::x3d(Option_t *) { } #endif