// @(#)root/matrix:$Name: $:$Id: TVector.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:43 rdm Exp $ // Author: Fons Rademakers 05/11/97 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TVector #define ROOT_TVector ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Linear Algebra Package // // // // The present package implements all the basic algorithms dealing // // with vectors, matrices, matrix columns, rows, diagonals, etc. // // // // Matrix elements are arranged in memory in a COLUMN-wise // // fashion (in FORTRAN's spirit). In fact, it makes it very easy to // // feed the matrices to FORTRAN procedures, which implement more // // elaborate algorithms. // // // // Unless otherwise specified, matrix and vector indices always start // // with 0, spanning up to the specified limit-1. // // // // The present package provides all facilities to completely AVOID // // returning matrices. Use "TMatrix A(TMatrix::kTransposed,B);" and // // other fancy constructors as much as possible. If one really needs // // to return a matrix, return a TLazyMatrix object instead. The // // conversion is completely transparent to the end user, e.g. // // "TMatrix m = THaarMatrix(5);" and _is_ efficient. // // // // For usage examples see $ROOTSYS/test/vmatrix.cxx and vvector.cxx // // and also: // // http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TMatrix.html#TMatrix:description // // // // The implementation is based on original code by // // Oleg E. Kiselyov (oleg@pobox.com). // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include "TObject.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMath #include "TMath.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TError #include "TError.h" #endif class TMatrix; class TElementAction; class TElementPosAction; class TVector : public TObject { friend class TMatrixRow; friend class TMatrixColumn; friend class TMatrixDiag; protected: Int_t fNrows; // number of rows Int_t fNmem; // number of rows in allocated memory (>=fNrows) Int_t fRowLwb; // lower bound of the row index Real_t *fElements; // elements themselves void Allocate(Int_t nrows, Int_t row_lwb = 0); void Invalidate() { fNrows = -1; fElements = 0; } public: TVector() { Invalidate(); } TVector(Int_t n); TVector(Int_t lwb, Int_t upb); TVector(const TVector &another); #ifndef __CINT__ TVector(Int_t lwb, Int_t upb, Double_t iv1, ...); #endif virtual ~TVector(); void ResizeTo(Int_t n); void ResizeTo(Int_t lwb, Int_t upb); void ResizeTo(const TVector &v); Bool_t IsValid() const; Real_t &operator()(Int_t index) const; Real_t &operator()(Int_t index); Int_t GetLwb() const { return fRowLwb; } Int_t GetUpb() const { return fNrows + fRowLwb - 1; } Int_t GetNrows() const { return fNrows; } Int_t GetNoElements() const { return fNrows; } TVector &operator=(const TVector &source); TVector &operator=(Real_t val); TVector &operator=(const TMatrixRow &mr); TVector &operator=(const TMatrixColumn &mc); TVector &operator=(const TMatrixDiag &md); TVector &operator-=(Double_t val); TVector &operator+=(Double_t val); TVector &operator*=(Double_t val); TVector &operator*=(const TMatrix &a); Bool_t operator==(Real_t val) const; Bool_t operator!=(Real_t val) const; Bool_t operator<(Real_t val) const; Bool_t operator<=(Real_t val) const; Bool_t operator>(Real_t val) const; Bool_t operator>=(Real_t val) const; TVector &Zero(); TVector &Abs(); TVector &Sqr(); TVector &Sqrt(); TVector &Apply(TElementAction &action); TVector &Apply(TElementPosAction &action); Double_t Norm1() const; Double_t Norm2Sqr() const; Double_t NormInf() const; void Print(Option_t *option=""); friend TVector &operator+=(TVector &target, const TVector &source); friend TVector &operator-=(TVector &target, const TVector &source); friend Double_t operator*(const TVector &v1, const TVector &v2); friend TVector &Add(TVector &target, Double_t scalar, const TVector &source); friend TVector &ElementMult(TVector &target, const TVector &source); friend TVector &ElementDiv(TVector &target, const TVector &source); friend Bool_t operator==(const TVector &v1, const TVector &v2); friend void Compare(const TVector &im1, const TVector &im2); friend Bool_t AreCompatible(const TVector &v1, const TVector &v2); ClassDef(TVector,1) // Vector class }; // Service functions (useful in the verification code). // They print some detail info if the validation condition fails void VerifyElementValue(const TVector &v, Real_t val); void VerifyVectorIdentity(const TVector &v1, const TVector &v2); //----- inlines ---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef R__HPUX #ifndef __CINT__ inline TVector::TVector(Int_t n) { Allocate(n); } inline TVector::TVector(Int_t lwb, Int_t upb) { Allocate(upb-lwb+1, lwb); } inline Bool_t TVector::IsValid() const { if (fNrows == -1) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } inline Bool_t AreCompatible(const TVector &v1, const TVector &v2) { if (!v1.IsValid()) { ::Error("AreCompatible", "vector 1 not initialized"); return kFALSE; } if (!v2.IsValid()) { ::Error("AreCompatible", "vector 2 not initialized"); return kFALSE; } if (v1.fNrows != v2.fNrows || v1.fRowLwb != v2.fRowLwb) { ::Error("AreCompatible", "vectors 1 and 2 not compatible"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } inline TVector &TVector::operator=(const TVector &source) { if (this != &source && AreCompatible(*this, source)) { TObject::operator=(source); memcpy(fElements, source.fElements, fNrows*sizeof(Real_t)); } return *this; } inline TVector::TVector(const TVector &another) { if (another.IsValid()) { Allocate(another.GetUpb()-another.GetLwb()+1, another.GetLwb()); *this = another; } else Error("TVector(const TVector&)", "other vector is not valid"); } inline void TVector::ResizeTo(Int_t n) { TVector::ResizeTo(0,n-1); } inline void TVector::ResizeTo(const TVector &v) { TVector::ResizeTo(v.GetLwb(), v.GetUpb()); } inline Real_t &TVector::operator()(Int_t ind) const { static Real_t err; err = 0.0; if (!IsValid()) { Error("operator()", "vector is not initialized"); return err; } Int_t aind = ind - fRowLwb; if (aind >= fNrows || aind < 0) { Error("operator()", "requested element %d is out of vector boundaries [%d,%d]", ind, fRowLwb, fNrows+fRowLwb-1); return err; } return fElements[aind]; } inline Real_t &TVector::operator()(Int_t index) { return (Real_t&)((*(const TVector *)this)(index)); } inline TVector &TVector::Zero() { if (!IsValid()) Error("Zero", "vector not initialized"); else memset(fElements, 0, fNrows*sizeof(Real_t)); return *this; } #endif #endif #endif