Next: D506 Function Minimization
Previous: D501 Constrained Non-Linear
Routine ID: D503
| Author(s): K.S. Kölbig | Library: MATHLIB
Submitter: | Submitted: 15.11.1993
Language: Fortran | Revised:
Subroutine subprograms RMINFC and DMINFC calculate,
to a limited specified accuracy, the abscissa of a single local minimum
of a real-valued function
lying in a given interval
together with the function value at the minimum. Although this
subprogram may find a minimum under other conditions (see Notes),
the search interval should contain exactly one local minimum point x
with a<x<b.
On CDC and Cray computers, the double-precision version DMINFC
is not available.
SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: RMINFC, DMINFC
External References: User-supplied FUNCTION subprogram
(type REAL),
- F
- (type according to t) Name of a user-supplied
FUNCTION subprogram, declared EXTERNAL in the calling
program. This function must set
- A,B
- (type according to t) On entry, A and B
must specify the end-points a,b of the search interval.
- (type according to t) On entry, EPS must be
equal to the accuracy parameter
(see Accuracy).
- (type according to t) On entry, DELTA must
be equal to the parameter
specifying a tolerance interval
near A and B (see Accuracy).
- X
- (type according to t) On exit, X is the computed
approximation to the abscissa of a minimum of the function
- Y
- (type according to t)
Contains, on exit, the value of
- ( LOGICAL) On exit, LLM is .TRUE. if
the relations
are both true (i.e. if X is the abscissa of a local minimum
lying inside the interval
), and .FALSE.
otherwise (see Notes).
The so-called golden section search is applied (see
References). This method uses a fixed number n
of function evaluations, where
The accuracy depends on the behaviour of the function and is difficult
to measure. For example, a flat minimum results in poor accuracy.
This implies that the subprograms are not intended to replace
the usual procedures when a minimum of a function
is needed in the exact mathematical sense.
In any case, a choice of
in double-precision
and of
in single-precision mode usually
results in a relative error of X which is smaller than
or in the order of
. A suggested value of
- As a rule, the specified interval
should contain strictly
local minimum.
- If this is not the case, and if
is monotonous in
the subprograms find the minimum at the correct endpoint a or b.
LLM is set to .FALSE. in this case.
- In all other possible cases, the behaviour of the subprograms is
not easy to predict. In particular, in the case of several minimal
points inside
, one of them is found, but not necessarily
the one with the smallest value of the function.
- R. Fletcher, Practical methods of optimization (John Wiley & Sons,
Chichester 1987) 39--40.
- W. Krabs, Einführung in die lineare und nichtlineare
Optimierung für Ingenieure (BSB B.G. Teubner, Leipzig 1983) 84--86
Next: D506 Function Minimization
Previous: D501 Constrained Non-Linear
Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995