Routine ID: G100 | |
Author(s): G. Folger, K.S. Kölbig | Library: MATHLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 21.08.1971 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 15.01.1994 |
Function subprogram PROB computes the probability that a random variable having a -distribution with
degrees of freedom assumes a value which is larger than a given value , i.e.
FUNCTION subprogram
User Entry Names: PROB
External References: ERFC, DERFC (C300),
MTLMTR (N002), ABEND (Z035)
In any arithmetic expression, PROB(X,N) has the value .
PROB and X are of type REAL and N is of type INTEGER.
See Ref. 1, formulae Nr. 26.4.4, 26.4.5 and, for N>300, No. 26.4.14.
For , PROB has an accuracy of about six digits. For , the accuracy decreases for with increasing X.
Error handling:
Error G100.1:
Error G100.2:
In both cases,
the function value is set equal to zero, and a message is written on
Unit 6, unless subroutine MTLSET (N002) has been called.