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J401 Print Banner Page in Large Characters

Routine ID: J401
Author(s): R. MatthewsLibrary: PGMLIB
Submitter: T. LindelöfSubmitted: 01.03.1978
Language: IBM: Fortran and AssemblerRevised: 14.11.1986


Please note that this routine has been obsoleted in CNL 219. Users are advised not to use it any longer and to replace it in older programs. No maintenance for it will take place and it will eventually disappear.
Suggested replacement: XBANNER (J403)

BANNER outputs alphanumeric text specified in an MVS JCL (job control card) statement, a VM/CMS parameter string or from a data file, in large characters, at 4 lines per output page.


User Entry Names: BANNER
Files Referenced: Printer
External References: DATIMH (Z007), JOBNAM (Z100),


BANNER is called through a JCL statement on IBM/MVS and as a command in VM/CMS.

On MVS the procedure BANNER invokes a program which prints lines of text of a type similar to that used for the first page of job output. Input to the program may be supplied by using the TEXT parameter on the EXEC statement or by data cards or both. Input supplied using the TEXT parameter is processed first and is printed as a double banner page.

On VM/CMS BANNER is installed as a module on the automatically accessed Q-disk. Input to the program can be given either as a parameter string on the command line or in a data file on Fortran stream 5 but not both (this is unlike the MVS version which accepts input from both). The input given on the command line is printed as a double banner page.

Three types of block character are available: large, small and italic. Each of these character sets contains upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters and the special characters ( ) + - * / = < > # @ % _ | ! . and &. Some examples of each character set are shown in Examples.

The number of block characters which can be printed on a page depends on the paper size and character set being used as shown in the Tables given below
TEXT parameter :
The TEXT parameter in the MVS procedure may be used to input up to 98 characters. The / character causes the text which follows it to be printed on a new line. The character set which is used to print the text may be specified by using the TYPE parameter.

Selects the italic character set.
Selects the large character set.
Selects the small character set.
If the type is not specified or if an invalid type is specified, the large character set will be used. For example:

On VM/CMS the type is given as an option behind a ( after the text. The above example on VM/CMS would be:

Type XFIND BANNER on VM for more detail.

Text can be centred on a line by using blanks, and blank lines can be inserted by using consecutive slashes.
Data Cards:
The program accepts data cards containing either text or commands. Cards containing commands may be used to select the character set or cause page ejects. Commands consist of a . in column 1 and the character I, L, S or / in column 2:

Selects the italic character set.
Selects the large character set.
Selects the small character set.
Causes a page eject.
The selected character set remains in effect until changed by a new command card. If a character set is not specified the large character set will be used by default. For example, on MVS,

On VM/CMS if no parameter string is given on the command line the program will read from Fortran stream 5 (which is by default the terminal -- this will cause an Abend in batch execution). To read the data from a file use the INPUT option. The page capacities depend on the printer and forms code chosen.


Here are three examples of character sets (printer dependent):

  AAAAA   BBBBBB      1      22222   %%%   %
 A     A  B     B    11     2     2  % %  %      +
 A     A  B     B     1          2   %%% %       +
 AAAAAAA  BBBBBB      1        22       %      +++++
 A     A  B     B     1       2        % %%%     +
 A     A  B     B     1      2        %  % %     +
 A     A  BBBBBB    11111   2222222  %   %%%
 AAAAAAAAAA   BBBBBBBBBBB        11        2222222222
AAAAAAAAAAAA  BBBBBBBBBBBB      111       222222222222
AA        AA  BB        BB     1111       22        22
AA        AA  BB        BB       11                 22
AA        AA  BB       BB        11                 22
AAAAAAAAAAAA  BBBBBBBBBB         11                22
AAAAAAAAAAAA  BBBBBBBBBB         11              22
AA        AA  BB       BB        11            22
AA        AA  BB        BB       11          22
AA        AA  BB        BB       11        22
AA        AA  BBBBBBBBBBBB   1111111111   222222222222
AA        AA  BBBBBBBBBBB    1111111111   222222222222
           AAAAAAAAAA   BBBBBBBBBBB        11
         AA        AA  BB        BB     1111
        AA        AA  BB        BB       11
       AA        AA  BB       BB        11
    AA        AA  BB       BB        11
   AA        AA  BB        BB       11
  AA        AA  BB        BB       11
 AA        AA  BBBBBBBBBBBB   1111111111
AA        AA  BBBBBBBBBBB    1111111111


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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995