Routine ID: M103 | |
Author(s): H. von Eicken | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 15.09.1978 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: |
The FLPSOR package contains two entry points for sorting a one-dimensional array, containing either floating point number or integers, into itself. The sort is done in ascending order.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: FLPSOR, INTSOR
CALL FLPSOR(A,N)sorts the first N elements of the REAL array A in ascending order into itself.
CALL INTSOR(IA,N)sorts the first N elements of the INTEGER array IA in ascending order into itself.
For more details, see Long Write-up for SORTZV (M101).
Based on an Algol procedure described in Ref. 1.