Routine ID: M107 | |
Author(s): F. Carminati | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 09.02.1989 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: |
SORTR re-arranges the row order of a matrix in such a way that the elements of a selected column are either in increasing or decreasing order as described. When these elements are equal, the rows are kept in their original order.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: SORTR, SORTI, SORTD
External References: VECMAN (F121), USWOP (V301)
(not on all machines)
For (type INTEGER), (type REAL), (type DOUBLE PRECISION),
CALL SORTt(MX,NC,NR,NCS)performs an ordering operation on the matrix MX of type t, dimensioned (NC,NR), using the NCS-th element of each row as ordering criterion.
The matrix MX is stored by rows, the first element of a row following immediately after the last element of the preceding row.
Obviously, is a condition. If this is not met or if , SORTX will do nothing.
, the subroutine re-orders the rows of
MX in such
a way that the NCS-th element of each row is greater than or
equal to the NCS-th element of the preceding row. If
, the rows of MX are re-ordered in such a way that
the NCS-th element of each row is smaller than or equal to the
NCS-th element of the preceding row.