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M501 Locating a String of Same Words

Routine ID: M501
Author(s): C. LetertreLibrary: KERNLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 21.08.1971
Language: Fortran or AssemblerRevised: 15.09.1978

IUSAME locates the first of a continuous sequence of identical words occuring at least a given number of times. It returns the number of contiguous identical words in the sequence.


FUNCTION subprogram
User Entry Names: IUSAME


Start of the portion of the vector to be analysed.
End of the portion of the vector to be analysed.
Minimum length of a string to be considered a string.
The function returns the length of the string as function value, and also the position of the first element of the string: VECT(JSAME).

If no string of at least MIN elements has been found starting at or after VECT(JL), the function returns NSAME=0 and JSAME=JR+1 .


Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 15:06:23 METDST 1995